We have spoken to one of Hamas’ executives, a member of the organization’s International Office, and the President of the Council on International Relations (CFR) in Gaza, Dr. Basem Naim, about the elections in Palestine, Turkish-Israeli relations, a possible cooperation between Turkey and Palestine in the Eastern Mediterranean and the situation of the region in general. Basem Naim considered the ...

The Foreign Policy Department of the US Think Tank Brookings Institute has published a new report on US-Turkey relations. The report, signed by Nicholas Danforth and published in February 2021, is titled “Between Cooperation and Containment: New U.S. Policies for a new Turkey”. The report can be read here. The reports main finding is as follows: “Put simply, the Turkish ...

Turkey and Israel are two influential countries in West Asia. Differences in the Palestine and Kurdish Questions, relations to Israel and conflicting positions in the Eastern Mediterranean have caused several major high-level crises between the two countries and led to restraint as well as downgrading in diplomatic relations. Notwithstanding this past, a revitalization and normalization of Turkish-Israeli relations is widely ...

The respected British historian Professor Bernard Lewis once said: “It is very important to know the history in order to see the future. Whatever memory is for the individual, it is the history for a nation. A nation that distorts its history is like a neurotic person, and a nation that does not know its history is like a person ...

Israel says it would only be pleased to have Turkey participate in the upcoming Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (East-Med Gas Forum). However, Energy Expert Sohbet Karbuz argues that in doing so, Turkey would be “knowingly outmaneuvering itself,” as participation would imply official level interaction with the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCASC). The East-Med Gas Forum was established last ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda was busy with four main topics. The first topic was the debates over a change in the Turkish constitution, which has been demanded by various political groups. The second was Defense Minister Hulusi Akar’s visit to Germany and his discussions with his German counterpart about the Eastern Mediterranean. The third agenda item was the ...

On 22nd November 2020, morning hours, German Sachsen Class (Type 124) multi-purpose frigate Hamburg operating under the tactical command of Greek Commodore T Micropoulos, in the EU-led Operation Irini has interrogated the Turkish container vessel MV Roseline-A carrying food and paint supplies to Libya in the area 100 miles off the Benghazi Coast. The ship had departed from Istanbul to ...

The Eastern Mediterranean has become one of the frontlines in the ongoing geopolitical polarization. This polarization in the region is not only between Turkey and Greece: the conflict is mainly taking place between the Eurasian and the Atlantic camps. Greece is little more than a pawn of that camp. On the anti-Turkish front, the major powers of the Atlantic camp ...

The tension that escalated in the wake of the seismic/drilling activities conducted by Turkey within its legal maritime jurisdiction in Eastern Mediterranean was a part of broader problems resulting from Greece’s efforts to increase its territorial waters. While a possible Turkish-Greek war became an alarming possibility as a result of mutual NAVTEXes, multinational exercises, and fortifications on the islands and ...

Although the West defines Turkey’s reconnection to the open seas ‘Neo-Ottomanism’, Turkey’s Blue Homeland Doctrine is a 21st century geopolitical reality originally outlined by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as a survival necessity for the democratic, secular republic whose borders are drawn in accordance with the universal law of the sea and reinforced by state practices. “The seas are an inexhaustible supply ...