Inflation in Germany in October exceeded expectations and hit a new record of 10.4 percent, driven by high increases in energy and food. More than 200,000 workers took part in warning strikes and protests at factories in the metal and electricity industries last week. Germany’s largest labor union in the automotive and electrical sectors, IG Metall, responded to employers’ resistance ...

The conflict in Ukraine continues to affect Europe. Sanctions applied against Russia are continuously increasing inflation. European lives were seriously and negatively affected by the fact that gas supplies from Nord Stream 1 were down to 20% of capacity. European governments meanwhile continue to deliver material aid to Ukraine, beginning with arms, as they did since the eruption of the ...

For Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, the mission is clear: “Ukraine must win this war. And Putin’s aggression must be a strategic failure”, she said in her speech on the World Economic Forum on May 27. Von der Leyen declares to “stand with” Ukraine – and announces a whole package of aggressive imperialist measures against Russia ...

By Caner Karavit * It has been quite some time since we started to read news about the reflections of the Russo-Ukrainian War on art. Russian artists are becoming subject to mass deportation in America and Europe, their concerts are being cancelled, and they are forced to resign from their duties. Russian films are censored off from film festivals, while ...

by Yiğit Saner 2021 saw a large increase in immigration waves to Europe due to political / military developments and the aftermath of the pandemic. For months now we have been witnessing the tragic migrant crisis on the border between Belarus and Poland. And from November to today, the situation has not seen much progress and the lives of thousands ...

“Patriots make you mad (…), because you are in favor of a globalization under American boots.” “Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations thesis was indeed right and accurate. Civilizations are rising through religions.” The statements above belong to Éric Zemmour, one of the potential candidates for the presidential elections in France on April 2022. Zemmour and Neo-nationalism Zemmour has rapidly become ...

By Gökhan Dağtekin Gerhard Schröder’s book is not of significance, because it presents the ideas of an author who was formerly German Chancellor and today has executive duties in Russian gas companies. The books main value lies in the fact that it reflects a growing current in Europe. There is no doubt this current is positive in the point of ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen EU leaders have held an extraordinary 2-day summit in February 25-26. Held via videoconference, the summit’s agenda on the first day was COVID-19. On the second day, relations with the NATO, the US President Biden and the EU’s defense and security policies were discussed. Of course, what draw attention to this summit was the participation of ...

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be inaugurated as President of the United States. Along with him, a new team will come to the White House, mostly composed of officials from Barack Obama’s administration. UWI has already written about the major figures in the future Joe Biden administration: Antony Blinken – the future state secretary, Jake Sullivan – the ...

Two different and even opposing events marked the last days of 2020 from the European perspective: On the one side, the highly disputed Brexit-deal was signed off. On the other side, an even higher, in fact seven years long disputed negotiation came to conclusion: the European Union – China Comprehensive Investment Agreement (CAI). Announced on the 30th of December, the ...