Europe Germany: Hezbollah ban On April 30, the German Interior Ministry officially included the Shiite movement “Hezbollah” in its list of terrorist organizations. The decision was justified by the fact that Hezbollah calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and “opposes the establishment of understanding between peoples”. The US, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan and the UK banned the ...

Humanity is facing one of the most serious and complex crises in its history. It is not only a health crisis, it is also an economic, ecological and a geopolitical one. In Europe, it is opening a new chapter in the deep and potentially terminal crisis of the European Union. However, nobody in Europe or anywhere else in the world ...

By Stefano Araújo The entire globe is facing an unprecedented health and economic crisis due to the rampant spread of the coronavirus. Not only are entire national health systems at the limit of their capacity with serious repercussions for the health of their citizens, at the same time, on an economic level, we are experiencing one of the heaviest economic ...

Spanish (Socialist) Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has now taken the initiative to call for more solidarity inside the EU to confront the coronavirus crisis. Τhe Maastricht Treaty is organizing a perfect “Kingdom of Finance” in Europe, a neoliberal entity forbidding solidarity, or associating it with austerity, terms which, in the context of a crisis, may lead to the destruction of ...

Alarming events are taking place in the West, the region of the world which has become the epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic. European countries and the United States are all blaming each other in their panic at having been caught unprepared for the pandemic, lacking the healthcare system and supplies to deal with the crisis. The EU had closed its ...

Many states are desperate in the face of the coronavirus pandemic: governments are panicking and the economy has already collapsed. This crisis is expected to deepen, all of which assures that humanity will likely be seeking a new path. Everyone seems to be asking: “What has the pandemic changed/ will change socially and politically?” a particularly pertinent question for those ...

The European Security and Defense Union groups together several areas and organizations with a common goal. While this is nothing new, in recent years different organizations have become more relevant thanks to various external factors, mainly the decline in US interest in Europe in favor of the Asia-Pacific region. Although the European Union is certainly more advanced in matters of ...

In my previous article I explained how the “bail-out” program imposed on Greece was actually a program to introduce a totalitarian, anti-democratic and anti-human order in Europe. The Greek program was a rehearsal for the all-out offensive of “Market Totalitarianism” against democracy and social welfare state in all Europe, just as the Spanish Civil War (1936 – 39) was a ...

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has now spread to all European countries – on Tuesday Montenegro confirmed its first cases. The Montenegrin government announced that two women who were traveling abroad were infected with the virus. The latest data The World Health Organization has declared Europe the new epicenter of the outbreak which began in Wuhan China last December. As of March ...

The coronavirus will go down in history as the political, social and an economic problem which revealed the true nature of the relationship between various states and their citizens… it should be clear by now that this is far more than a simple epidemic or healthcare crisis. Humanity, which entered the 21st century with the 9/11 attacks, is on the ...