Every year on the 4th of November Iranians celebrate an important anniversary in the history of their revolution against the US backed dictatorship. The 4th is the date the “Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line” took over the US embassy in Tehran. As a result of this action, fifty two American Diplomats and Citizens were taken hostage for four hundred ...

Europe Serbia: a step towards the recognition of Kosovo On August 9, Serbian President Alexander Vučić said he was in favor of delimitation with the Albanians in Kosovo, despite the fact that this decision will likely be unpopular in the country. The decision is part of an attempt at legitimizing the occupation of native Serbian territories in Kosovo in exchange ...

With the onset of EU/US sanctions on Iran’s energy sector, the country’s oil and gas production capacity decreased dramatically. Following the signing of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), however, is was hoped that the country would be provided with an opportunity to attract more foreign investment, not least that which ...

US-Turkey: the conflict escalates On the 1st of August the U.S. government imposed sanctions against Turkish Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul and Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu over the  imprisonment of Andrew Brunson. The United States has blamed both for being involved in Brunson’s arrest and detention. The Pastor was accused by the Turkish government of being connected with Gulenist groups and is seen ...

Europe NATO summit: Realist Trump against European liberals July 11-12 in Brussels the NATO summit took place. The behavior of the President of the United States Donald Trump attracted the attention of most of the world media. He firstly criticized German Chancellor Angela Merkel for buying gas from Russia and refusing to raise military spending to a level agreed to ...

US president Donald Trump recently proposed a plan to institute a complete ban of Iranian oil this coming November. It is possible he is simply incapable of understanding the realities of such a proposal…. would it even possible to impose a blockade of Iranian oil throughout the entire region? To give Trump the benefit of the doubt, he likely means ...