West Asia is living tectonic shifts at all of its corners, from the Palestine conflict over the Iranian-Israeli tensions, from Turkish-Iraqi agreements to rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus and its repercussions in the Ukraine conflict. We asked Ismail Hakkı Pekin, retired lieutenant-general of the Turkish Armed Forces and former Head of Intelligence at the General Staff, on his evaluations. Let ...

By Adem Kılıç * According to the latest US and Israeli claim, Iran cannot decide whether to retaliate for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. The assumption is that there is a rivalry between Pezeshkian and the hardliners of the Revolutionary Guards and that the new President Pezeshkian is opposed to any aggressive strategy against Israel. Another hypothesis is ...

UWI presents the recent social and political developments in Germany with a selection from the prominent German press. Gender transition law “Self-Determination Act”, submitted to the parliament by the government on August 23, 2023, was accepted by the majority of votes. The law, which came into force on April 12 made gender change. Every adult German citizen will have the ...

Israel and its aggressions against Palestine as well as its interventionism and cross border violence against the region keep on dominating the global headlines. The government of Netanyahu has not only kept on bombarding the Gaza Strip for 7 months, it is conducting also military attacks from Lebanon to Syria and Iran. Iran has responded to the recent bombing of ...

Explosions were heard in the Iranian city of Isfahan on the night connecting the 18th to 19th of April. Global public opinion evaluated these as an Israeli retaliation to the Iranian attack on Israel on the 13th of April. We asked Dr. Hamid Reza Gholamzadeh on the actual situation in Iran. Gholamzadeh is the Tehran Municipality’s responsible for international relations. ...