The Tel Aviv administration promises other countries COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for moving their embassies to Jerusalem. Guatemala has moved its embassy Jerusalem, whereas Honduras and the Czech Republic are also planning to move their embassies, they reported. While Palestinians are waiting for vaccination, Israel sends vaccines to its allies in distant countries in return for opening their embassies in ...

Palestine is going to elections again for the first time after 14 years. President Mahmoud Abbas signed a decree that confirmed parliamentary elections on May 22nd and presidential elections on July 31st. Palestine has perhaps entered one its most critical turning points in history, after more than half a century of a struggle for the Palestinian independence, the toughening Israeli ...

2020 has been a year that will be remembered for decades, even centuries. There might not be another year in which the worries and hopes of all the nations were so common. Billions of people’s lives have changed, people asked the same questions and had the same expectations at the same time around all seven seas. We have gathered some ...

Turkish-Israeli relations have received some warm messages in the recent weeks. Mesut Hakkı Caşın, Member of Presidential Committee on Security and Foreign Policy declared “if Israel takes one positive step, Turkey will take two”, President Erdogan followed by saying “We would like to bring our ties to a better point”. Bilateral ties have seen tensions since the attack on the ...

Major global trends: COVID-19 The new coronavirus pandemic was the biggest problem for all humankind in 2020. What began as just another virus has become a pandemic on a scale comparable to the deadly Spanish flu a century ago. According to the WHO, 72.4 million people have been infected with the coronavirus. Coronavirus has become a major challenge to public ...

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that Tel Aviv, the United States and Arab countries have agreed to work together against Iran. ANKASAM Consultant Kadir Ertaç Çelik stated that Ankara and Tehran are the targets of the plans extending from the Gulf to Africa. US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien visited Israel on Sunday, meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Speaking at ...

Who was behind the the assassination of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh? How is the assassination different from previous actions targeting Iranian scientists? Was Fakhrizadeh the only one targeted? Experienced Iranian journalist Mohammed Gadiri answered these questions for us. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, one of the key figures in the Iranian nuclear program, was not only a scientist, but also Iran’s Deputy Defense ...

Will Africa become the center of confrontation between Turkey and the union of Israel and the Persian Gulf monarchies? According to the Israeli newspaper Israel Today, in the coming days, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make his first public visit to the UAE and Bahrain, where he will meet the UAE’s Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed ...

On March 26, 1979, a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed between President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem began in the presence of US President Jimmy Carter. In contrast to the faint creaking of the pens with which the treaty was signed, the sound of anger in the Arab world resembled cannon fire. These pens opened ...

There are not many people in the world who doubt that Israeli secret services are responsible for the assassination of the prominent Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the “father” of the Iranian nuclear program. Without openly admitting it, the Israelis did nothing to amuse such impressions, instead they “anonymously” admitted their responsibility to the New York Times. The assassination of the ...