By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * The world is degenarting. Barbarism is prevailing. A series of values, principles and behaviors that humanity had accepted as valid – despite the fact that they are an expression of antagonistic class societies – and that a large part of that same humanity considers “normal”, are being overwhelmed, mistreated and excluded from everyday life. The ...

By Guillermo Martín Caviasca * The struggle for world order that has been developing on the planet for some time now is unfolding in multiple fields: a central one is the economy, but also culture, political forms of organization of states, international institutions etc. are spheres of conflict. But in times of extreme contradictions manifested in the form of war, ...

We continue our attempts to catch Latin American perceptions of the Ukraine crisis and the “global transition to a new order”. The quote actually belongs to Hugo Moldiz. A former Minister of Interior in the Evo Morales’ government, Moldiz is today a member of the Guevarist Movement, Army of National Liberation, an expert on international politics and author from Bolivia. ...

The United States of America have suffered unseen diplomatic defeats in the Summit of the Americas they hosted from June 6 to 10 in Los Angeles. A number of presidents refused to follow the US invitation. Others came and protested loudly. And during the summit, a number of states refused to support US proposed declarations. The State Department had declared ...

The III Continental Assembly of ALBA-Movements was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from April 27 to 1st. May 2022. It is an articulation of social and popular movements that belong to countries that are not part of the Bolivarian Alliance for the peoples of Our America (ALBA). ALBA was founded in 2004, promoted by Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro, within ...

By Rodolfo Pablo Treber * In recent days, Brazil’s presidential candidate, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, defended the creation of a single currency in Latin America as a tool to expand relations between the countries of the region and break dependence on the US dollar. This old, but still valid idea emerges to the public debate in an opportune geopolitical ...

By Gabriel Galípolo and Fernando Haddad The Brazilian former President – and candidate for the upcoming elections in October, Lula da Silva has proposed “to end the dependency on the US dollar and crate a South American common currency”. With this statement, Lula has supported a concept presented by Gabriel Galípolo and Fernando Haddad. Galípolo is former President of the ...

By Jorge Elbaum * In the last two weeks, the State Department has deployed an ambitious blackmailing persuasion program on countries located in the so-called “Western Hemisphere”, with the aim of limiting their trade and cooperation ties with Moscow and Beijing. The proximity models deployed in Latin America and the Caribbean offer a wide menu of alternatives that range from ...

By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein, Caracas, Venezuela * A look at the pages of international information news reveals daily a world that is struggling with what has been called sanctions. In other words, the planet must struggle constantly with the imperial decision to make the peoples suffer in order to impose its own truth, in this case the truth of 11% ...

By Omar José Hassaan Fariñas*/ Oscar Rotundo** With the many worries and challenges we face daily, perhaps it is worth celebrating the few good pieces of news we receive from time to time. In this regard, we have just heard that China and the member states of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) agreed to adopt the ...