The Mexican Labor Party (Partido del Trabajo) has convened to the international congress “Political Parties and a New Society” in Mexico City on October 21 – 23. This year was the 25th anniversary of the yearly held congress. Over 200 invited personalities from all over Latin America and selected countries outside the continent participated in the congress. United World International ...

The Northern Triangle Composed of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, the so-called Northern Triangle of Central America (NTCA) constitutes the nucleus of the migratory conflict in the American continent. It exerts pressure on the US, but also generates serious problems for the local populations. According to a recent report from the US Congress (April 2021), more than 2 million people ...

It is well known that the mass migration issue is a widespread problem throughout the world. It is a phenomenon that exceeds civil society institutions, political parties and governmental capabilities. Crucial for capitalism in the 21st century, think tanks define it as a “global challenge” that threatens the established liberal order already in crisis. In Central America, there are several ...

People’s health should not be a political battleground for governments: those in charge should not seek economic or political gain if it puts the health of society at risk. It makes even less sense to reject a vaccine that can prevent new infections and save lives in the context of the worst pandemic of the century– sadly, however, many world ...

Every January 6, “Three Kings Day” is celebrated in most countries with Christian (particularly Catholic) roots. In Venezuela, the custom is that the day before on January 5, the children place their slippers at the door of their rooms so that the Kings (Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltasar) can leave gifts there for those who have behaved well throughout the year. ...

In spite of the declining image that is every day being drawn in more detail, world hegemony and the performance of the United States continue to be axial for the global capitalist system – despite the storming of Capitol Hill. We are talking about the highest expression of contemporary imperialism, an actor of amazing influence, whose actions can change everything ...

Evo Morales and Rafael Correa just had their candidacies for senator and vice-president banned by the respective judicial systems on the same day (9-7-2020). However, both former presidents have great support in their countries. The political leaders changed the face of their countries and societies, spearheaded the fight against poverty, brought millions of people out of hunger and set their ...

Unexpected mediator Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu paid an official visit to the Venezuelan capital Caracas in August. He met with President Nicolas Maduro and signed new cooperation agreements. The visit was mainly of an economic nature. However, on September 2, Mevlüt Çavusoğlu confirmed that Turkey had mediated negotiations between the Venezuelan authorities and the opposition. Representatives of the Venezuelan ...

Unthinkable until recently, Colombia’s Supreme Court of Justice ordered the arrest of former President Alvaro Uribe in early August, on charges of procedural fraud and witness bribery. The powerful former Colombian president would once again face justice, but this time he seems to have no escape. Introduction In 2017, former president Alvaro Uribe denounced Iván Cepeda, then Senator for the ...

Europe The aggravation of Turkish-Greek relations In August, Greece did everything possible to designate Turkey as an enemy in public discourse. On August 22, the Greek media reported that Greece had contacted the UN in connection with Turkey’s actions in the Mediterranean Sea, considering them a threat to the security of the entire region. On August 6, Greek Foreign Minister ...