By Orçun Göktürk * On August 6, 1945, the most horrific attack not only in modern times but in the entire history of humanity took place. US warplanes dropped an atomic bomb dubbed ‘Little Boy’ on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. In the massacre, more than half of the city was destroyed, 200,000 people were killed and hundreds of thousands ...

By Dr.Elie Hatem United World International has started publishing papers that were presented to the Global Multipolarity Confernce held on April 29. At last, UWI published the video address of Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, to the conference that was organized by Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) ...

The institutions Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) and the International Russophile Movement organized a ‘Global Multipolarity Conference’ on April 29th, 2023. Dozens of speakers from all over the world participated in the conference. UWI will document their presentations in the coming days. Today we document the video ...

The institutions Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) and the International Russophile Movement organized a ‘Global Multipolarity Conference’ on April 29th, 2023. Hundreds of personalities from all over world participated in the conference in part personally and in part online. The Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Sergey ...

By Orçun Göktürk * Terms contain a great historical-scientific and even class distinction. The Biden administration continues the same “Indo-Pacific” rhetoric that the US officially changed during the Trump era. Of course, some might say that there is a geographical difference between the two. But the nightmare of the American political elites, the “Asian Age in the 21st Century”, also ...

By Dure Akram for UWI reporting from Lahore, Pakistan In an interview to UWI, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan speaks of India’s foreign policy as an example to follow, calls Afghanistan “a future life line” and blames his government of not establishing according relations “due to fear from the U.S.”. Mr. Khan also predicts progress of de-dollarization and hails ...

Large-scale clashes between government forces and rebels from the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have continued for three weeks in Sudan. More than 500 people have been killed and nearly 5,000 wounded (lightly and seriously), according to the country’s Ministry of Health. Türkiye has completed the evacuation of its citizens from Sudan who have expressed a desire to leave the African ...

By Orçun Göktürk* European leaders are travelling to Beijing, one after the other. On the heels of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visited China on April 5-7. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is expected to follow later this month. French President Macron arrived in Beijing on Wednesday, April ...

The President of China mentioned “changes not seen in 100 years” while his counterpart Putin was seeing him off. The ongoing US-Russia war in Ukraine, the rising de-dolarization, the bankruptcy of Credit Suisse bank and shaky German banks, riots in European capitals, the revival in Africa, China’s diplomatic breakthrough in West Asia… Yes, just as Xi Jinping said, the world ...

While the conflict in Ukraine continues, the world discusses more and more the transition to multipolarity. Latin America is a field of conflict as well on that transition, with the US opposing the economic and military presence of extra continental powers such as Russia and China. We spoke on the Latin American perspective on the Ukraine conflict with Rubén Zardoya, ...