By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * First the pandemic first and later the war in Ukraine have caused the world to enter into an accelerated dynamic of transformation and reconstruction. The avalanche of events, happenings and conflicts in which positions of different actors are taking place, aims to verify that we are in a moment of extreme mutation of the international ...

By Sakai Tanaka * The main point of the case of the murder of Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister, on July 8 was that Abe was the mastermind and fixer who controls the Liberal Democrat Party LDP. Abe retired from the position of Prime Minister two years ago, Yoshihide Suga succeeded him and then Fumio Kishida, who is now ...

On its recent summit in Spain, NATO has endorsed a new Strategic Concept, which, alongside Russia, targets the People’s Republic of China. As United World International has reported from the document, NATO considers a wide range of Chinese activities as “challenge to our interests, security and values”. The NATO document stated “The PRC seeks to control key technological and industrial ...

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum of 2022 had Egypt as main guest country. It has also been stated that the United Arab Emirates will be the guest country in the coming year, with an according agreement already signed by both sides. In the last year, main guest country was Qatar, while the year before, the forum was not convened ...

By Douglas Bolivar / Caracas, Venezuela “It is a train that is coming” summarizes Samuel Moncada, Venezuelan ambassador to the United Nations. He is referring on that way to two central concerns that depress him and that he shared with the plenary of the Permanent Commission on Energy and Petroleum of the Venezuelan National Assembly, whose invitation he followed to ...

We woke up to a new world, on the morning when the Russian operation in Ukraine began. We say “we woke up to a new world”, because this conflict between Russia and Ukraine does not only affect these two countries, but has a worldwide impact. It is clear that the scale of this crisis extends much further beyond the borders ...

The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...

The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * Although the most visible scenario of the conflict in Ukraine takes place in the military sphere, behind the shadows but also in public, diplomacy plays a fundamental role in the search for a solution to the conflict. Despite the differences and antagonistic positions that sometimes conspire against the possibility of providing a real solution to ...

The Ukraine crisis as a watershed moment in history keeps on fueling debates on the future of the international system. Within these debates, UWI expert Perinçek gave an interview to Iranian daily newspaper Tehran Times. UWI presents below the interview as published by the Tehran Times, the original text can be read here. TEHRAN – The Ukraine war proved that ...