The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...

The Initiative on a New International Order, short NINTO, has convened on May 7, 2022. The convention took place under the title “The construction of a new world in the context of the Ukrainian operation led by Russia”. NINTO has been established in 2021 on proposal of the International Relations’ Bureau of Turkey’s Vatan Party. The initiative has convened last ...

By Jorge Elbaum * In the last two weeks, the State Department has deployed an ambitious blackmailing persuasion program on countries located in the so-called “Western Hemisphere”, with the aim of limiting their trade and cooperation ties with Moscow and Beijing. The proximity models deployed in Latin America and the Caribbean offer a wide menu of alternatives that range from ...

By Omar Hassaan Fariñas* The Congress of Vienna was undoubtedly one of the most important diplomatic processes in the history of international relations. After the overthrow of the French Emperor in Leipzig in 1813 and finally in Paris in March 1814, the “four great powers” (England, Prussia, Russia and Austria) negotiated with Bourbon France the future of the European continent ...

United World International expert Fabrizio Verde provided an interview to the Iranian daiy newspaper Tehran Times on the global repercussions of the Ukraine conflict. Below we present to our readers the interview as published on Tehran Times. The director of the online newspaper L’antidiplomatico says that the Ukraine war will change the geopolitical order of the world. “What happens in ...

The United States has been trying to isolate Russia and has accelerated its sanctions regime since the start of the military operation in Ukraine. Washington has also tried to rally the world behind its position, harvesting rejection from several countries. One of those is South Africa, with a population of 60 million one of the leading countries of the African ...

By Ana Dagorret * Russia’s military operation in Ukraine triggered a series of measures by Western governments seeking to isolate and weaken Russia. The decision to impose economic sanctions and blockades as a way of putting pressure to stop the operation, in addition to the freezing of about 50% of the reserves that Russia has in other countries, hit the ...

Asked about the recent Chinese-Russian joint statment, “The path ahead must be that of multipolarity, since no country in the world is born to be a satellite of another”, says Sabino Vaca Narcava, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to the People’s Republic of China in his interview with United World International. In today’s second and last part of the interview, ...

“We can say that the political goal of Moscow is to overthrow the current Kiev administration, which the Russian government describes as “Nazi junta”, and that its military goal is to completely disable the Ukrainian military infrastructure”, said United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan in an interview to the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet when describing the Russian military operation in ...

By Ljubodrag Simonović / Belgrade, Serbia „The truth is the totality.” – this proposition was central to the creation of Hegel’s own system of dialectics. It enables us to realize the true nature of the Ukrainian crisis. Essentially, the crisis in Ukraine is an expression of the contemporary existential dilemma foisted on the world by the American “New World Order”. ...