Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez has concluded his visit to Russia and China. United World International expert Yunus Soner spoke on the visit and its repercussions in Latin America and the reactions from Washington to China Radio International Turkey. Soner said that Fernandez’ visit caused “a series of small political earthquakes”. Below we present the interview as published by CRI Türk. ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has published a decision and explanatory statement on the country’s relations with NATO. Decided upon by the Central Committee of the party, the statement was made public on 70th anniversary of Turkey’s entry to the North Atlantic Alliance. The Vatan Party states that Turkey’s exit from NATO is it’s “strategic target” and calls the Turkish government to ...

In the last decade, the Mediterranean has become a global epicenter of geopolitical and geo-economic interests. It has taken an increased importance because of the profound transformations that have taken place and that continue to manifest themselves in ever fluid and changing forms. The regional conflicts in Libya and Syria, the never-ending tensions between Turkey, Greece and Cyprus (Greek Administration ...

As the anti-French movement rises again in Africa, France, shaken by coups in its former colonies, is seeking ways to maintain their hold on the region. On the other hand, while the Pan Africanist movement is getting stronger all over the world, non-Western actors such as Turkey, Russia and China are also strengthening their relations in the region. We talked ...

By Davide Rossi* Already fifteen years ago, the great geopolitical analyst Giulietto Chiesa and I were quite unique in Italy in our argument that the 21st century would see a declining NATO-backed hegemony of the West – defined by finance capital and the theft of energy and food materials from Africa, Asia and Latin America – come into conflict with ...

By Sebastian Tapia Argentine President Alberto Fernández toured Russia, China and Barbados this week in the spirit of multipolarity and multilateralism. Beginning to build the post-pandemic foreign policy agenda, the president argued that “the world is multilateral. In that world we must live and develop.” Both the destinations and the topics discussed on the tour affirm the multipolar orientation of ...

By Adem Kılıç Coup attempts to overthrow governments became more frequent than elections across Africa. Studies demonstrate that the African Continent is the most prone to coups in the world. According to research conducted by the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations, there have been at least 200 coups and coup attempts on the African continent over the past 50 ...

The Transitional Prime Minister of Mali Choguel Kokalla Maïga gave recently an interview to the Turkish news agency Anadolu Ajansı. Below we present the interview as published by Anadolu Ajansı, subheadings were set by United World International. Interviewed by the Anadolu Agency (AA), the Transitional Prime Minister of Mali Choguel Kokalla Maïga answered a series of questions on the security ...

The Presidents of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin and the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping made a joint statement following their meeing in Beijing on February 4, 2022. The Russian-Chinese joint statement covers a wide area from security to development, from global governance to internet regulation. Below, we present the text as published by the Russian Presidency. Chapter numbers ...

By Oscar Rotundo / Buenos Aires United World International and PIA Global ( simultaneously publish this interview. In the context of the 40th anniversary of the Battle for the recovery of Malvinas (for the United Kingdom, Falkland Islands), we interviewed Guillermo Carmona, Secretary of State on Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic. Carmona is also the representative of the Argentine Ministry ...