Last Sunday, January 9, the West African integration association ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) announced the imposition of sanctions against Mali. ECOWAS justified the sanctions formally with the refusal of the Malian government to hold elections in the country this year. The country’s ruling senior military had asked to postpone the elections until 2025. Sanctions against Mali would ...

Latin America is the so-called “Great Fatherland” that seeks to establish regional integration for the last 200 years. China is the new emerging pole in what some call the Great Power competition. The relations between the two have been much discussed in the context of multipolarity, where different blocs on the globe establish direct exchange without the interference of the ...

The talks between the US and its allies on the one hand, and Russia on the other, are even more important in themselves than their already very important agenda. They are taking place at a very critical juncture, a juncture which may evolve either towards the deepening of an already disastrous cold war, which could turn into a hot one ...

By Sigfrido Reyes Sigfrido Reyes is member of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front of El Salvador. He served as the President of the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador from 2011 to 2015. Reyes delivered the following speech to the International Congress “Political Parties and a New Society” organized by the Labor Party (Mexico) and held in Mexico City 21st ...

“The traffic lights are on”, said Olaf Scholz, candidate of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and designated Chancellor of the country. As United World International had predicted back in March 2021, Germany is heading to a coalition government of SPD, the Greens and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), red-green-yellow being the three parties colors. Following the elections September ...

Anti-French protests are sweeping many countries in Africa. Who is challenging Paris’s policies on the continent and why? Stop the convoy In November 2021, the French military command decided to move military reinforcements to Gao, Mali. In that country, France is conducting the military operation “Barkhan,” ostensibly aimed at terrorists operating in the region. However, the attempt to move 60 ...

By Adem Kılıç* We are gradually leaving behind the era, when the USA and the European Union had created international institutions and organizations as a center of gravity and were able to design the whole world using these structures. Having a great influence in the “military” and “economic” areas over African and Middle Eastern countries, the West has always pursued ...

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is heading towards elections that will be held on November 21. Some 21 million voters will elect 23 state governors, mayors, and municipal councils. Venezuela is a federal republic. The opposition has been boycotting the elections since 4 years, but this time, oppositional parties have decided to take part. A dialogue is established between government ...

The Mexican Labor Party (Partido del Trabajo) has convened to the international congress “Political Parties and a New Society” in Mexico City on October 21 – 23. This year was the 25th anniversary of the yearly held congress. Over 200 invited personalities from all over Latin America and selected countries outside the continent participated in the congress. United World International ...

On the southern side of the Mediterranean, Libya keeps on being in a political limbo. General elections are scheduled for December 24, but the Tobruk-based House of Representatives already postponed these for a month. The legislative base of the elections, including the question who will be permitted to candidate for the presidency, cause debate. Western countries headed by the US ...