The pre-pandemic trends away from the West have been accelerating and starting to take its shape gradually over the course of the pandemic, but have brought with them many paradoxes. ‘DISORDERED WORLD ‘ High Representative of the European Union(EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell’s expressions serve as a brief summary of the situation: “The world order was ...

The COVID-19 virus has radically changed the globalist world-system, pushing it toward a new model of multipolarity. Within the course of a few weeks, the EU has been transformed from a united open space to a region with sovereign nationalist regimes complete with closed borders and emergency state authority. The spread of the new virus has certainly not helped the ...

The peak of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) epidemic in China has already passed, said Mi Feng, an official representative of the Chinese Health Committee. According to him, currently, with the exception of Wuhan, no new cases of infection have been registered in all cities of Hubei Province for an entire week. Outside Hubei Province, seven new cases have been detected, of ...