The Turkish-Russian Joint Monitoring Center, established within the scope of monitoring the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh, began work on January 30. End of the Minsk Group era The establishment of the Monitoring Center points to the beginning of a new era in the South Caucasus and the Karabakh issue. This period puts an end to the Minsk Group process, which had ...

The 30-year-old Nagorno-Karabakh conflict had caused no effect on the rest of the world for the past three decades. During this period there have been many wars and conflicts in the world, millions of people have lost their lives, tens of millions of people became refugees and IDPs, and migration patterns have changed drastically. However, the geopolitical traditions and practices ...

The most notable weapons during the Karabakh war were Turkish and Israeli-made drones. The conflict demonstrated their effectiveness in modern warfare and convinced many to reconsider their approach to air defense. The next round of the Karabakh conflict came at a time when unmanned aerial vehicles were developing particularly rapidly and drones were demonstrating impressive successes. As The Financial Times ...

2020 has been a year that will be remembered for decades, even centuries. There might not be another year in which the worries and hopes of all the nations were so common. Billions of people’s lives have changed, people asked the same questions and had the same expectations at the same time around all seven seas. We have gathered some ...

Major global trends: COVID-19 The new coronavirus pandemic was the biggest problem for all humankind in 2020. What began as just another virus has become a pandemic on a scale comparable to the deadly Spanish flu a century ago. According to the WHO, 72.4 million people have been infected with the coronavirus. Coronavirus has become a major challenge to public ...

The US Supreme Court and Texas Texans are protesting the outcome of the US election at the highest level. Although the mainstream media has recognized Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 presidential election, several states have not agreed to accept the results. For example, a Republican state legislator in Texas has promised to introduce a bill in the ...

The recent victory parade demonstrated the strength of Turkey and Azerbaijan – but from now on we must be more careful and much stronger. Last week was an important day in the history of Azerbaijan. We all witnessed a ceremony that captured the agenda not only of Azerbaijan, but also of brotherly Turkey: the Victory Parade held in Baku’s Freedom ...

Azerbaijan has crowned its own War of Independence with a decisive victory, managing to take back the territories lost and had been occupied for almost 30 years after years of war in the short time period of a month and a half. As a result, this victory was accepted and documented by both sides of the conflict. Of course, the ...

On the night of November 10, Presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Putin along with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a joint statement on the complete cessation of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to the document signed, military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh will cease. The parties remain in their positions, but Armenia will cede to Azerbaijan all previously ...

The military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh came to an end via a fragile ceasefire after about two weeks. This war, however, was much more confined in terms of scale and time of conflict in comparison to other conflicts in the Middle East; it was all the same significant due to the deep effects it has had on regional and international balance. ...