The Palestine-Israel war took a brief pause for prisoner exchange, after its restart with a military operation by Palestinian forces in Israeli-controlled territory On 7 October. The two sides agreed to release a limited number of prisoners. However, it remains unclear how long the ceasefire will last and what awaits afterward. The Lebanese-Israeli border, which has been affected by the ...

A humanitarian pause has been agreed in Gaza, whose future is more than uncertain. The Israeli government has stated it would prolong it every day that Hamas releases hostages, but made it certain at the same time that, once the release is completed, operations against the Gaza Strip would resume. Globally, both are contested: The operations and the Netanyahu government ...

The Israeli aggression against Gaza received a new dimension when Israeli minister Amihal Eliyahu threatened in an interview to bomb the Strip with nuclear weapons. Israel had never admitted to having nuclear weapons. Türkiye President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said his government was going to protest to international organizations. Mesut Hakki Caşın explains Türkiye’s position. Caşın is professor at the Yeditepe ...

By Özgür Altınbaş We conducted an interview with Artyom Ivanovich Kirpichenok on the Israel-Palestine war. Kirpichenok was born in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in 1975 and holds dual citizenship in Israel and Russia. In 1991, he moved to Israel with his family for permanent residence. In 1992, he enrolled in the History Department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and earned ...

In Türkiye, the agenda is currently influenced by international developments. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s criticisms of the West and Israel during his visit to Germany became the first topic last week. The remarks on “world order” by Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan also stood out as one of the discussed topics. Meanwhile, the Turkish people rejoiced in the national football team’s ...

By Özgür Altınbaş Yemen has become the first state to join the war in Palestine. The Yemeni army has targeted the military structures of both the US and Israel with ballistic missiles and UAVs. We conducted an interview with Ali El-Gahum, a member of the Political Bureau of Ansarullah (Houthis), on the current situation and their policy. A timely and ...

By Yiğit Saner The Tel Aviv regime has surrounded Gaza with troops and tanks after air and ground attacks that have resulted in the death of more than 10,000 Palestinians and over 4,000 children. As planes, drones, and helicopters fill the sky, artillery fire hits Palestine. Israeli ground forces have begun entering the inner parts of the city. According to ...

November 15 marks the foundation day of two different states in the Middle East: The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), in 1983, and the State of Palestine in 1988. Their historic leaders, Rauf Denktaş and Yasser Arafat once met and expressed envy to each other’s standing: Denktaş told Arafat he was envying Palestine, because it was recognized as a ...

By Raphael Machado Without mincing words: the world is experiencing the Third World War, with hot phases in Ukraine and Palestine; but the rest of the world is also immersed in this war, whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not. Because wars today have informational, cultural, cybernetic and psychological dimensions, not as subsidiary elements of ...

The resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, beyond being a national liberation movement, in the current context has evolved into a significant component and forefront of humanity’s defiance against the unipolar, Western-centric world. In accordance with this reality, Western countries have lined up in support of Israel, their outpost in the East. To avoid any damage on ...