The upcoming Erdogan-Putin meeting on August 5th will deal with a wide range of issues and areas and is expected to be very inclusive. United World International experts Mehmet Perinçek and Onur Sinan Güzaltan have commented on the upcoming meeting. Pointing out that separate discussions on each individual topic on the agenda are of secondary importance, Dr. Mehmet Perincek commented ...

1. Hunger as part of the rules-based international order From the US Secretary of State to the German Foreign Minister, from the British magazine of Economist to the even the Pope, all Western leaders have turned into spokespeople of the world’s hungry. No day goes by without one or several of them warning of global famine. When Western politicians decry ...

Many distinguished intellectuals, activists, working people, trade unionists and politicians from all five continents have just pointed out, by signing an appeal to world public opinion, the enormous nuclear, ecological, social and economic dangers for all humanity provoked by the conflict in Ukraine and the unleashed Cold War. The appeal, drafted by the Initiative for the revival of the Bandung ...

By Douglas Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela Western countries have imposed sanctions on Russia in response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. The sanctions regime has resulted in a surge of oil prices. As a major oil exporter, Russia is reported to achieve even higher earnings from its oil exports in consequence. Now, the United States and its Western allies have started ...

By Douglas Bolivar, Caracas / Venezuela “Our current production is oscillating between 800,000 and 900,000 barrels per day. In December 2021 we reached a production peak of one million 40 thousand barrels”, confirms Deputy Willian Rodríguez, President of the Hydrocarbons Sub-Commission of the National Assembly of Venezuela. Rodríguez assigns to the workforce of the industry decisive achievements in this goal, ...

The Ukraine crisis was the main item on the European Council’s meeting 30-31st of May, which concluded with some decisions and more debates. Among the agreed measures are: – A sixth package of sanctions against Russia will cover crude oil, as well as petroleum products, delivered from Russia into Member States, with a temporary exception for crude oil delivered by ...

By Douglas Bolivar, Caracas / Venezuela International news are dominated by crisis scenarios, from security situacions over the economic development to the food supplies. A huge global crisis, including increasing inflation numbers are present everywhere – with an exception: The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Venezuela has passed through years of actually hyperinflation and a sanctions regime, and today is more ...

United World International expert Fabrizio Verde provided an interview to the Iranian daiy newspaper Tehran Times on the global repercussions of the Ukraine conflict. Below we present to our readers the interview as published on Tehran Times. The director of the online newspaper L’antidiplomatico says that the Ukraine war will change the geopolitical order of the world. “What happens in ...

While the Ukraine crisis continues, Washington is trying to increase Western pressure on countries that do not participate in the sanctions against Russia. India is one of these countries that do not join the US-led coalition against Russia, resisting the pressure from the West. With a tradition of the non-alignment movement, India refrained from voting on United Nations resolutions imposing ...

By Douglas Bolivar, Caracas / Venezuela The agenda of what was discussed on March 5 between the Chavista leadership and President Biden’s envoy to Caracas is of absolute ignorance of the country’s political spokesmen, which by default gives credibility to the facts. On March 5, the national government of Venezuela commemorated the ninth year of the death of President Hugo ...