The United States has been trying to isolate Russia and has accelerated its sanctions regime since the start of the military operation in Ukraine. Washington has also tried to rally the world behind its position, harvesting rejection from several countries. One of those is South Africa, with a population of 60 million one of the leading countries of the African ...

Sergey Markov, General Secretary of the Russian – Turkish Public Forum, Director of the Political Studies in Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), a former member of the State Duma and a former Press Secretary for Putin, has told Turkish newspaper Aydınlık that the current situation may be an important opportunity for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). ...

French-drafted statement endorsing the sanctions imposed by the West African regional group ECOWAS against Mali was blocked by Russia and China on the United Nations Security Council. US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who expressed her full support for the sanction decision, also called the UNSC into action. However, the efforts of France and the USA were not ...

Last Sunday, January 9, the West African integration association ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) announced the imposition of sanctions against Mali. ECOWAS justified the sanctions formally with the refusal of the Malian government to hold elections in the country this year. The country’s ruling senior military had asked to postpone the elections until 2025. Sanctions against Mali would ...

After six rounds of unsuccessful negotiations in Vienna, the new round of nuclear talks has been planned for November 29. The sides are trying to cope with the “Trump curse” that has been imposed on the negotiation process.  After Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement known as the JCPOA, the US unilaterally imposed new sanctions against Iran. Iran considered the ...

The US State Department has imposed sanctions on the Turkish Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) due to the SSB’s deals with the Russian defense sector. The notice, published in the US Federal Register, states that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken concluded that SSB had “made a significant transaction” with the Russian Federation several years ago. In this regard, Blinken determined ...

Unrest in Central African Republic: French intervention? Major unrest has erupted in the Central African Republic as rebel forces advancing on the Central African Republic’s capital, Bangui, have been pushed back. The UN said Sunday that after a destabilisation phase, the situation was back “under control”: Vladimir Monteiro, spokesman for the UN’s MINUSCA peacekeeping force told AFP on Sunday that ...

Eighteen months ago, Iran was hit by the coronavirus epidemic worse than any other country in the Middle East. Originating in China, the Covid-19 epidemic spread rapidly throughout the Islamic Republic, the number of infected and dead growing at an exponential rate. The coronavirus has affected everyone in Iran, from ordinary workers to the most high-ranking senior politicians, killing more ...

Since February 19, when Iran’s Ministry of Health reported the first case of infection with a new coronavirus in the country, the number of infected in the Islamic Republic has reached 24,811, while 1,934  have died and 8,913 patients have recovered. New cases of infection in Iran are detected every day, and the mortality rate has already exceeded 7%. According ...

Major energy producing countries are using energy exports to increase political influence in consumer countries. Energy exports are one of the most important ways to create interdependence as well as stability and security in the region. Iran ranks second in the world’s gas reserves, but  domestic gas consumption increased sharply in the cold seasons of the year, in addition, at ...