The fourth summit of the Astana process on the Syrian settlement will be held on February 14 in Sochi. The participants will focus on creating zones of de-escalation in Syria and launching a political transition in the country. The attention of the world community is focused on the upcoming summit, causing concern among European countries and the United States. Turkish ...

The decision by US President Donald to pull American troops out of Syria has opened the path for a new process in Syrian conflict settlement. The active actors in the conflict are revising their policies and seeking to fortify their positions. Russian that has played an important role in the civil war in Syria and has supported the Assad regime ...

Turkey and USA – Safe zone to be established in North Syrian Last week, the presidents of the United States and Turkey, Donald Trump and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, discussed the idea of ​​setting up a safe zone in northern Syria. Erdogan also expressed support for his American counterpart in his decision to withdraw US troops from Syria. According to Trump, ...

Less than a week after Ali Shamkhani returned to Tehran, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi announced that representatives of the Taliban had visited Tehran and that the Afghan government was aware of the visit. Before the announcement, news and rumors were already circulating claiming that Tehran and Moscow had initiated talks with the Taliban, but Tehran never approved or ...

US President Donald Trump declared that Turkey would eradicate the remaining Daesh members in Syria. According to him, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be able to take care of this. He also stated that in light of Daesh defeat, American troops will be returning home. The American president said that the Sunday conversation with his Turkish counterpart mainly concerned ...

Syria and Trump US President Donald Trump announced victory over Daesh in Syria, after which rumors spread about the possible withdrawal of American troops from the country. The president stressed that US troops would soon be withdrawn, as Daesh had been the only reason for US presence in the country. Shortly after CNN, reported that Washington was planning a full ...

US President Donald Trump has declared victory over Daesh in Syria.  After historic victories against ISIS, it’s time to bring our great young people home! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2018 The American media has contacted sources at the Pentagon who have confirmed their readiness to withdraw troops from Syria. According to the Bloomberg agency, Trump has ...

As another set of heated negotiations has begun in recent weeks, Syria is slowly approaching the last chapter of it bloody civil war. Global powers, namely the United States and Russia, and regional players including Iran and Turkey, are competing to get a greater share in influence, reconstruction efforts and leave a geopolitical footprint. The fight for the lion’s share ...

The downing of the Russian Il-20 On September 17th, 2018, Israel decided to launch missiles in Latakia, having informed representatives of the Russian military command in Syria only one minute before the attack was carried out. In the course of the attack, a Russian plane was downed west of the city of Baniyas in the Tartus province. The Russian Ministry of Defence ...

In 2011, a civil war in Syria began which would continue for the next 7 years. The country became a geopolitical conflict zone for the confrontation of various states around the world. The number of countries involved in the actual conflict is difficult to account for. It all started from conflicts between forces supportive of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad ...