Turkish President and leader of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech during his party’s parliamentary group meeting at the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara on June 1, 2022. Responding to a question on whether Turkey blocked the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland to hit back at the United States, US State ...

Sweden and Finland have applied for NATO membership, NATO authorities have stated the accession process, which usually takes up to 2 years, but a Turkish veto, announced repeatedly by President Erdoğan, has halted the process. Diplomatic traffic between the two countries and Turkey as well as between Brussels and Ankara has taken up pace – with a look at the ...

Turkey is once again in the center of different corridors: one currently in debate is to be opened from Odessa to the world, in order to export stored wheat. The other runs along the north of Syria, where Turkey has already pursued three different military operations to establish a safe zone against what it calls the “corridor of terror” by ...

Ankara made statements, indicating that it would inhibit Sweden and Finland’s NATO membership, placing the issue on top of the global agenda. The matter is being discussed from a variety of angles and probably will continue to do so. Within these debates, I would like to present a summary of my opinions. USA against the rest The United States wants ...

Turkey, as always, had a busy public agenda last week. The tensions between Turkey and NATO continue to escalate, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkey would veto the membership application of Sweden and Finland.  The public rallies held by both the government and the opposition parties one after another, were considered as the unofficial start of the presidential ...

The conflict within the NATO over Sweden and Finland’s membership is continuing. On May 18, both countries’ ambassadors in Brussels have presented their official letters to NATO, applying for membership. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg received their letters. But Turkey vetoed their membership from day one: The North Atlantic Council gathered on level of permanent representatives to accept the application ...

Along with the continuing Ukraine crisis, not only the relations between Russia and the West deteriorating. Relations between Turkey and the West suffer the same fate. United World International expert Onur Sinan Guzaltan evaluated the Ukraine crisis, NATO’s enlargement discussions and the future of Turkey-Western relations in an interview with the Italian-based l’Antidiplomatico website. The original text can be read ...

The political agenda in Turkey has been very intense in the last week. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s opposed Finland and Sweden’s request for NATO membership. His position became a top topic in the nation. Meanwhile, the military operations of the Turkish Armed Forces against terrorist elements in Northern Iraq are still ongoing. Another item on the agenda was the condemnation ...

The possibility of Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership brought the ties between the West and Russia to the point of rupture. Commenting on the subject, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that Turkey did not look favorably on the NATO memberships of Sweden and Finland. United World International expert Onur Sinan Guzaltan evaluated Turkey’s view of NATO’s enlargement on Sputnik ...

Last week, the main agenda item in Turkey, like the rest of the world, were the developments in Ukraine. Turkish people were asked in a survey whom they considered responsible for the Ukraine crisis. The answer had the effect of a bombshell: “NATO” The speech of the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party, Devlet Bahçeli, about the US provocation in ...