

“Turkey should focus on own national interests – and remember all the NATO-led coups it suffered”

“Turkey should focus on own national interests – and remember all the NATO-led coups it suffered”

UWI expert Soner's interview to RT International on the Ukraine crisis.
Turkey’s Security and the NATO

Turkey’s Security and the NATO

The Turkish Vatan Party's decision and explanatory statement on Turkey's security panorama, needs and relations with NATO.
Turkish experts: Stay away from NATO

Turkish experts: Stay away from NATO

Incompetence in the Biden Administration, frictions between the US and EU and the need to maintain Turkish-Russian relations...
World is changing – the US is losing ground, China is leading

World is changing – the US is losing ground, China is leading

On Turkey's alliances in the emerging new world system.
What is in store for Afghanistan after the withdrawal?

What is in store for Afghanistan after the withdrawal?

On Afghanistan, the NATO Summit and Biden's policy on the Middle East
UWI expert to Tehran Times: “Turkish rulers have no way out but to turn towards Asia”

UWI expert to Tehran Times: “Turkish rulers have no way out but to turn towards Asia”

Full text of UWI expert Güzaltan's interview to Tehran Times.