Following the tide of normalization of political relations between Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu undertook an official visit to the UAE 13 – 15th of December 2021. The meetings and declarations made during Çavuşoğlu’s visit provide indications of the future relations between Turkey on one side and the UAE and other Gulf countries on ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First topic was the official visit by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev, and their attendance to the opening of the new airport in Karabakh, on the anniversary of the Karabagh victory. Second was the discussion around the possibility of ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First topic was the official statement by ambassadors of the US, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany, and France regarding the trial of Osman Kavala, a FETO convict, and President Erdogan’s reactions. Second topic was the prolongation of military deployment to Iraq ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s diplomatic tour throughout African countries. Second was the Libyan Foreign Ministry delegation’s diplomatic visit to Ankara. Third were the discussions over a new possible military operation by the Turkish Armed Forces to northern Syria against the PKK/YPG threat. ...

The public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics last week. The first topic was the official address by the US President Joe Biden to the House of Representatives about the Turkish military actions against the YPG/PKK in Northern Syria, and the reactions from the Turkish politicians. Second was the Iranian diplomatic delegation’s visit to Turkey. Third ...

The situation in Cyprus and Crimea as a major topic in Turkish-Russian relations, the rapprochement process between Ankara and Cairo and the Turkish policies regarding Syria are hotly discussed regionally. We spoke about these issues with Yaşar Yakış, Turkish Foreign Minister 2002 – 2003 during the first term of the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP). While stressing that Turkey ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the drop in the interest rates by the Turkish Central Bank, down to 18% from 19%. Second was the messages delivered by the Turkish President Erdogan, in the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN). Third were President Erdogan’s statements on the purchase of ...

By Ceyhun Bozkurt Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Sochi, Russia, on September 29th and have a diplomatic meeting with the Russian President Vladimir Putin. The meeting between the two leaders in Sochi, is expected to be one of the most critical encounters in the recent years. It is speculated that the leaders will discuss many different topics. To ...

The Syrian professor Bessam Abu Abdullah spoke in a live connection to the Turkish TV Channel Ulusal Kanal on the actual situation in Syria. Abdullah said “What needs to be done in Syria is: The Syrian Armed Forces and the Turkish Armed Forces must declare their will to fight jointly against all kinds of terror organizations.” Being connected from Damascus ...

Turkish delegations that make more frequent visits to Arab countries, intense exchange of diplomatic messages between Ankara and Tel Aviv, the hosting of representatives of the United Arab Emirates in Ankara, increasingly positive statements towards the region – all these steps suggest a new beginning in Turkish policies towards the Middle East. In order to better understand the possible contents ...