The fourth Hungary-Turkey high-level strategic council meeting was held in Budapest on  November 7. The President of Turkey visited Budapest to meet with Hungarian President János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.  The politicians discussed cooperation in the fields of security, energy and culture, the EU and migration.[0]=68.ARA1Inr-Z8FkaNa5-OIwk2nFZcRBjuyoHxXL6eModkvLB9XwesoXn67ye5rwEgp6HbnIUNsWh6JW0fOrtpEPMBQX4QRbOsBzjS6pMwaTNe55RHfKqomJyJ9gmVKbXxq8F3cRxcQvpaTurNIUTN3MmcatjFis8v1hClktRyLR29Skqwy1QDIxwKbwBfDC1vagcsFHFqoGDC0q7T6B2pntTfUH7enRHhVge4PgK_6NlJFWA3njFu19OU8dLANOl5RJpBp3QzszCqCJjsecISFYGkSeYiVdSDdpf663zCgHAbxlaWHSmHVavbgbNKssrGsvKaPkc_VwBwIMuCu8dwz0Z0jVVlNDIOt8&__tn__=-R The meeting was the result of an agreement reached in 2013  ...

Every year, on the bright day of October 29, we traditionally mark the declaration of founding of a great state that rose to its feet on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire and the Caliphate.  Our memory turns to the glorious chapters of history where the heroic Turkish Army under the command of the great father of the nation, Mustafa ...

In order to understand why Turkey has been moving away from the US (a country which had been its ally for 67 years) and has now entered into a strategic partnership with Russia, it is necessary to study certain historical facts. In 1952, Turkey joined the US and its allies as a member of NATO in opposition to the Soviet ...

The United States, under the pretext of “exporting democracy”, has carried out military interventions in numerous countries, primarily Iraq and Afghanistan. Its’ aggressive actions have provoked large-scale military clashes and left thousands of people dead. Despite its ostensible motivation, not only are there still no hints of democratic institutions in these countries today, the military actions have been continuous for ...

Süleyman Özmen, Head of International Affairs Department (Rumeli University in Istanbul) and member of the Turkish Armed Forces, stressed in an interview with that events in the region are precursors to a major war. He notes that”the main goal is to ignite a large-scale ethnic and religious clash.” According to Özmen, one operation will not be enough to destroy terrorism ...

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Chairman of the People’s Republican Party (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi – CHP), began his speech at parliamentary faction session by mentioning the recent CHP international conference on Syria which was held in Istanbul. Kılıçdaroğlu stressed that the Middle East is engulfed in conflict, with military operations being conducted in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. WE HAVE DONE WHAT THE AUTHORITIES ...

The increasing use of energy in the contemporary international system has made the countries located along the transmission route more important. The effort to transform the way in which more and more energy, especially oil and natural gas is increasingly transmitted to economic interests, adds to the political and security capability of countries. Considering the importance of this, countries are ...

Erdogan – Trump Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan held a telephone conversation with his American counterpart Donald Trump. The two leaders discussed bilateral relations and ongoing geopolitical problems. Turkey and the US had previously come to an agreement on the creation of a safe zone in the Syrian north-east along the border with Turkey. Despite recent rocky relations, the two agreed ...

Following in the footsteps of ex-Minister of Economy Ali Babacan, who left the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and announced his intention to create a new party together with ex-President Abdullah Gül, former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has also announcing his resignation. Davutoğlu and his team, pre-empting the start of a process to expel them from the party, announced they ...

Davutoğlu Former Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu announced his resignation from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) on Friday. The AKP unanimously agreed to raise the question of Davutoglu’s expulsion, as well as the head of the parliamentary human rights commission, Ayhan Sefer Üstün, the deputy from Istanbul Abdullah Başcıand former Manisa deputy Selçuk Özden. A founder and prominent figure in the ...