Journalist Sedat Ergin of the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet recently wrote that the delivery of the S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems coincided with the anniversary of the coup d’état on July 15, 2016, and that this was anything but a coincidence. He stressed that the S-400s arriving from Russia had even landed on the same runway where American F-16 fighters took off ...

In his book “On China,” Henry Kissinger explains the differences between Westerners and the Chinese in their approaches to strategy by comparing Chess and Wei qi (also known as “Go”): “If chess is about the decisive battle, Wei qi is about the protracted campaign. A chess player aims for a decisive victory, a Wei qi player seeks for relative advantage. ...

According to the annual Research on Public Perceptions on Turkish Foreign Policy – 2019, conducted by the Center for Turkish Studies of Kadir Has University, almost 81.3% of Turkey’s population considers the USA to be the greatest threat to the country. Last year it was 60.2%. It is noteworthy that over the past year the number of people who consider America to be the biggest ...

In Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, an open terrorist attack against several diplomats was carried out. Three diplomats were killed as a result, including Osman Kose, an employee of the Turkish Consulate General. One of the two attackers was later identified as Mazlum Dag, a 27 year-old from Diyarbakir, Turkey. According to Sky News – Arabia, two gunmen opened ...

Faruk Bildirici, one of the distinguished representatives of Turkish journalism, with whom I worked for 27 years at Hürriyet news, has consistently represented the interests of his readers over the past few years. After he was fired several months ago, Bildirici created his own website to continue his work. Last week Bildirici published a curious article entitled “Is Turkey an ...

The events of that ill-fated night will live in the memory of the Turkish citizens who survived them. In reviewing the July 15 attempted coup three years later, it is important to stay away from taking sides and to move towards impartial evaluation. It is clear that what happened would be practically impossible without the collusion of world elites and their ...

While the European Police Office (Europol) complains about a serious increase in the number of crimes committed by the PKK terrorist organization against the Turkish communities in Germany, the UN, as a result of negotiations with terrorists, signed an agreement on the “withdrawal of children-fighters from the group’s forces”, which provoked a wave of public outrage. Turkey strongly criticized UN ...

The former head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Turkey, retired general İlker Başbuğ recent made a number of powerful statements about his country’s purchase of Russian S-400 defense systems and American F-35 fighters (which Ankara still counts on receiving despite threat from the US to the contrary). Here are the most important excerpts from his speeches. ...

Relations between Libya, under the control of Khalifa Haftar (Tobruk’s government), and Turkey are at a critical point in the aftermath of an airstrike Haftar`s forces carried out against a refugee camp in Tripoli. Haftar has refused responsibility, calling the incident a false-flag conducted by his rival al-Sarraj.  Harsh statements from both sides quickly followed, including threats of military action: ...

Georgian protests New protests took place this week in Georgia. On July 4, the Georgian Interior Ministry announced the detention of four people accused of assaulting police officers during rallies in central Tbilisi on June 20-21. On Thursday, the Prosecutor General’s Office announced that it was investigating a meeting about organizing mass riots and an attempted coup d’état to seize ...