On January 13, the FBI, without explanation, detained journalist and television presenter Marzieh Hashemi. The arrest of the 59-year-old Iranian mother and US citizen and the events that followed clearly demonstrate the duplicity of the United States and other Western countries. Despite being the first to invoke accusations of human rights abuses when their citizens are placed under arrest abroad, ...

The city of Manbij is currently the focal point of the Turkish government’s policy towards Syria. The topicality of the issue increased after Donald Trump had announced the pullout of US troops from the war-torn Arab country. Acquiring special significance in this light are the Turkish-American agreements that the two countries attained on the eve of Erdogan’s visit to Moscow ...

Turkey’s President authored two articles in the printed media in January – one in The New York Times and the other, in the Moscow-based business daily Kommersant. The two newspapers are as different at their home countries but Mr. Erdogan’s attempts to address both Russia and the US contain a certain common – and rather important – element. Last week, ...

2018 was a difficult and eventful year for Turkey. In terms of the internal political life of the country, the early parliamentary-presidential election held on June 24, was one of the most striking events. The election not only consolidated the results of completed reforms, it also gave the initiators of those reforms greater confidence moving forward. From the point of ...

US President Donald Trump declared that Turkey would eradicate the remaining Daesh members in Syria. According to him, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be able to take care of this. He also stated that in light of Daesh defeat, American troops will be returning home. The American president said that the Sunday conversation with his Turkish counterpart mainly concerned ...

Turkey plans 2nd 100-day action plan and makes declarations regarding Syria Turkey has announced that they will soon launch operations in Syria. Ankara stated that the operations will be lead in regions east of the Euphrates. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the necessity of action in order to save the territories “from separatist terrorist organizations”. The president added that the ...

Europe Preparing for Brexit On November 25th, a summit on Brexit was held by EU leaders. The attendees approved British Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plan which had been previously agreed upon by the European Commission and the UK government. However, the adoption of this document caused uproar within the UK and cost  May two ministers who resigned in protest.  ...

On Friday, the prosecutor’s office of Turkey revealed that there was a previous attempt on Russia’s ambassador to Ankara before his assassination on Dec. 19, 2016. The Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) has been indicted for both events. 28 people have been recognized as guilty, including the oppositional Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen. Andrey Karlov, the Russian ambassador, was assassinated at an ...

Dear UWI readers, On this day, the Turkish Republic commemorates its greatest son, commander, politician-reformer, first president and founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Mustafa Kemal died at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul on November 10, 1938. A historical figure of the highest caliber, his example will light the way for many generations, giving hope to peoples and sovereign states around the ...