A sixty-nation conference initiated by the US opened in Warsaw on Wednesday. Although its official motto is security in the Middle East, its sessions focus on how to entice different countries to form an alliance for wielding pressure on Iran, an object of the Trump Administration’s hate. When the US authorities announced the Warsaw summit for the first time, Secretary ...

            It’s the biggest showdown of Donald Trump’s presidency yet. The Democratic Party leadership are clashing swords with Trump’s administration over the controversial border wall. The struggle has already resulted in the longest and most devastating government shutdown in U.S. history. Democrats have shut down our government in the interests of their far left base. They don’t want to do ...

After more than nine months of delay, the Europeans have announced the registration of their so-called economic package to convince Iran to stay in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), which was signed between Iran and the P5+1. The package which should have been called SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle for Iran) is now called INSTEX (Instrument in Support of ...

INF Treaty withdrawal The United States announced that it would suspend participation in The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), planning to fully withdraw in six months. At the same time, the United States hopes to continue negotiations with Russia, Pompeo said. The document itself is of unlimited duration. At the same time, each of the participants has the right ...

It was a surprise decision that shook the Neoliberal establishment in Washington to its core. U.S. President Donald Trump declared Daesh defeated and the mission in Syria – accomplished. It was time to bring the troops home. Of course there were war-hawks who were looking for a little more – i.e. regime change. These forces nearly got their way with ...

US President Donald Trump declared that Turkey would eradicate the remaining Daesh members in Syria. According to him, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be able to take care of this. He also stated that in light of Daesh defeat, American troops will be returning home. The American president said that the Sunday conversation with his Turkish counterpart mainly concerned ...

US President Donald Trump has declared victory over Daesh in Syria.  After historic victories against ISIS, it’s time to bring our great young people home! pic.twitter.com/xoNjFzQFTp — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2018 The American media has contacted sources at the Pentagon who have confirmed their readiness to withdraw troops from Syria. According to the Bloomberg agency, Trump has ...

Descending from the first cattle ever to see North America, brought there by Columbus and the doom-bearing sailors under his command, the Texas longhorn is widely-known as a symbol of that state. The longhorns inspire the symbolism of the University of Texas football team, also called “the Longhorns.” These drought-resistant and gentle-natured beasts (the cattle I mean, not the student-athletes) ...

From the beginning of his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump created an important shift in political rhetoric regarding immigration. The shift coincided with a protectionist turn on economic matters including reviewing trade agreements with China, Mexico, Canada, and Europe, which he said were harmful to the American people, even if they were beneficial for elite groups and corporations (Time, ...

Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in Brazil and US President Donald Trump’s rush to congratulate the like-minded President-elect, has triggered a debate on the rise of “Trumpism” in Latin American politics. Bolsonaro’s win is important at least for two reasons: first, Brazil is the largest economy in South America and the eighth largest in the world; and second, for the first time ...