However, the elections will be held among massive social confusion and ambiguity: the candidates need not only win the loyalty of people, they must also be recognized by the Taliban, the main opposition force in the country. Without question, the coming presidential election will be one of the most important events for the people of Afghanistan. Despite the fact that ...

Ever since tragedy struck on 9/11, numerous discussions and arguments about what actually took place on that day have continued. Many people contend that there are numerous technical inconsistencies Washington’s version of events, while others argue that the attack may have served as a pretext for the  intervention in Afghanistan that immediately followed. For further reading regarding the debate around ...

Davutoğlu Former Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu announced his resignation from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) on Friday. The AKP unanimously agreed to raise the question of Davutoglu’s expulsion, as well as the head of the parliamentary human rights commission, Ayhan Sefer Üstün, the deputy from Istanbul Abdullah Başcıand former Manisa deputy Selçuk Özden. A founder and prominent figure in the ...

On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court reaffirmed the president’s right to limit asylum requests for migrants from Central and South America. Trump hailed the decision as a “big victory,” while his opponents issued heavy criticism. According to the new ruling, migrants who cross over the United States’ southern border will be required to prove that other states along the way ...

It is impossible to ignore today’s tragic anniversary: ​​exactly 18 years ago, the events took place that would forever after be associated with the date 9/11. On this day in 2001, horrific terrorist attacks of monstrous proportion shook the world. At the time, the attack was attributed to a small group of hijackers led by the international terrorist Mohammed Atta ...

China is self-sufficient in many respects in the old oil industry, but it still needs foreign equipment and imported advanced technologies to extract and explore oil resources. These are China’s weaknesses that need to be addressed. China’s oil industry will not be immune to US-China trade clashes and production and services may come to a standstill at any moment. Trade ...

Ünal Çeviköz, the deputy opposition leader of the main opposition party in Turkey, the Republican People’s Party (RPP, Turk. CHP), commented on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s recent trip to Russia, saying: “We are concerned that if Turkey, a member of NATO, continues to purchase weapons that are not can be integrated into the Alliance system, this will lead to very ...

Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 systems (in spite of US sanctions and threats), along with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent visit to Russia and joint inspection of the latest Su-35 and Su-57 fighters with Russian President Vladimir Putin, are both clear indications of the ongoing split in the American-European axis. The US quickly responded to the Turkish and ...

The establishment of safe zones in war-torn countries is supposed to entail a reduction in violence. However, in the present situation in Syria, US involvement in the establishment of a safe zone will lead to the direct military entrenchment of Washington, Turkey, Russia, and Syria, and will only cause the situation to deteriorate further. WHY A SAFE ZONE? Turkey has ...

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin, who recovered Russia which was politically, economically and socially dispersed, once again succeeded in making Moscow one of the center of the world in foreign policy.  Through the period we have been passing in which the relations between Turkey and Russia are deepening and the paths of the two countries are aligned,understanding ...