In his book “On China,” Henry Kissinger explains the differences between Westerners and the Chinese in their approaches to strategy by comparing Chess and Wei qi (also known as “Go”): “If chess is about the decisive battle, Wei qi is about the protracted campaign. A chess player aims for a decisive victory, a Wei qi player seeks for relative advantage. ...

According to the annual Research on Public Perceptions on Turkish Foreign Policy – 2019, conducted by the Center for Turkish Studies of Kadir Has University, almost 81.3% of Turkey’s population considers the USA to be the greatest threat to the country. Last year it was 60.2%. It is noteworthy that over the past year the number of people who consider America to be the biggest ...

In 2017, according to the US Energy Information Administration, Saudi Arabia, following Russia, Iran and Qatar, had the fourth-largest natural gas reserves in the world. According to the US Energy Information Administration, the country’s natural gas reserves amounted to 304 trillion cubic meters. Most of Saudi Arabia’s natural gas is consumed in the petrochemical sector and electricity generation. 40.7% of ...

The President of the United States officially launched his new campaign for the 2020 presidential elections. His team has already raised funds for his re-election bid (according to USA Today, around $109 million). Thousands of volunteers are ready to act, and election headquarters are already open in New York and Washington. Together, we are breaking the most sacred rule in ...

In 2020, the next presidential elections will be held in the United States. Not long ago, the country elected its first black president, and in 2016, a woman, Hillary Clinton, came close to victory. The time has come to expand Overton’s window even further: for the first time, a gay man may become the next nominee for the Democratic party. ...

Nord Stream II: Europe – Russia Cooperation              In April 2017, five European companies and the Russian State Oil Company, Gazprom, signed an Earth shaking €9.5 billion agreement. It was a vow to finance the expansion of the Nord Stream gas pipeline into Europe, providing dirt cheap natural gas to the continent – courtesy of Vladimir Putin.             At the ...

According to a UN report, several US banks found to be laundering money paid fines of $ 3 billion, and European banks paid $ 6 billion. According to the document, about 2 trillion “dirty” dollars are laundered each year (without taking into account cryptocurrency). According to the National Crime Agency (UK), more than 100 billion pounds is laundered in England ...

In academia, we’re in constant pursuit of indisputable facts which lead us to truth, the kind of self-evident truth that our founding fathers wrote so much about. And as the gospels teach us, truth shall set us free: Free from constant lies, exaggerations, distortions, distractions, deceptions, diversions and manipulations – basically all the specialties of the mainstream media in the ...

Trump-Erdogan talks Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held talks over the phone with US President Donald Trump this week. According to sources from the Turkish presidential administration, the recent events in Syria, the importance of supporting the political settlement process and the need for joint action against terrorism were all on the agenda. Erdogan reaffirmed his desire to continue Turkey’s ...

Summit in Sochi The fourth summit of the Astana process on the settlement of the crisis in Syria was held on February 14 in Sochi. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan considers the summit to have been an important step. “The Summit in Sochi was very efficient and useful. The second round of talks began with Sochi, we hope that the fifth ...