“The hood on the head is the symbol of US defeat”

Leaders of the youth organizations that confronted US soldiers in the port of Izmir spoke on their protest action.

On September 3rd, 15 Turkish youth put a hood on the head of a US soldier in the Turkish city of Izmir. The action shook global media, causing also statements from the Pentagon.

The action was done by two youth organizations: Vatan Party’s youth wing, Vanguard Youth and Turkish Youth Union (TGB).

We had an interview with their chairmen: Samet Kunt from Vanguard Youth and Kayahan Çetin from TGB.

A decision taken long ago

How did you decide to take this action?

Samet Kunt: Our Chairman, Doğu Perinçek, showed a hood during his speech at a rally in Summer 2007 and said, “We will put this over US’s head”. This was a decision our party made long ago, and we implemented it.

How did you identify the American soldier?

Kayahan Çetin: We guessed. After initiating a conversation, we confirmed that he was serving on the US’s USS Wasp navy vessel.

From the videos we see that before, during, and after the event, you addressed the public. How did the people react?

Kayahan Çetin: There was great discomfort among the people of Izmir regarding the ship’s arrival. We saw this in the streets before the action. That morning, some workers and shopkeepers said things like “We’ve seen these Yankees, and we’re so glad to see you here”. After the action, I explained the reasons for our protest, why we did it, and applause started from the crowd. People began clapping from their balconies and recording us. We’ve always felt the support of our people deep in our hearts, and that gave us great strength.

Detention under the pressure of the US

After a short period of detention, you were released. How do you evaluate the judicial decision?

Samet Kunt: It wasn’t just a decision of the Turkish judiciary, and it wasn’t a legal one either. This decision shows the weakness in which the Turkish state, government, and judiciary find themselves. The hostility and destructive actions of the US against Türkiye are clear, and the Turkish state acknowledged in its many reports and statements, especially after the coup attempt on July 15th, 2016 of the US-backed Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization (FETÖ).

We need to understand that the decision of detention was made under pressure and out of fear of the US. As I said, this reflects the current weakness of our state. As the Vatan Party, we’ve been explaining this for a long time.

The Turkish government, the state and the judiciary should have stood with us. However, they couldn’t keep us in detention for long because the Turkish people and important segments of the Turkish state were with us.

Much read and followed journalists in your country, such as those aligning with the US in Türkiye. For instance, Fatih Altaylı, Özlem Gürses and Cüneyt Özdemir, heavily criticized your action.

Kayahan Çetin: Our action resonated globally. The Sixth Fleet, the White House, the Pentagon and the US Embassy made statements one after another. Organizations like Hamas, the Palestinian Liberation Organization and all the revolutionary organizations worldwide, even communists in the US, supported us in the global fight against imperialism and Zionism.

Of course, those who’ve aligned their fate with the Pentagon rushed to discredit our action. They even called the American soldier “civilian”. This so-called “civilian” American soldier was a pilot. Perhaps just two weeks or a month ago, he bombed Yemen or Syria. So, they are professional killers. Do those who “care” too much about the “civilian” American soldier care about the US’s threats against Türkiye?

Let this be another warning to them. If they continue like this, they will soon be trying to escape with those American ships.

Paper tigers

Samet Kunt: We achieved a great success. We managed to convey our message to Türkiye and the world. We gained the support of the Turkish people and the oppressed peoples of the world. We caused a great panic among the American soldiers. The Pentagon was alarmed.

Why? Because the US, so-called an ally of Türkiye in NATO, couldn’t protect its soldiers on the territory of a member state. And secondly, these so-called brave American soldiers were so terrified of a few young people who simply wanted to put a hood on their heads. The whole world heard their cries for help and they are nothing but paper tigers. The cries of “help, help” from the American soldier are the symbol of the US’s defeat. No one can save them anymore.

The hood protest echoed worldwide. TGB is also the general secretary of the World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union (WAYU). Did you discuss this with other organizations in WAYU?

Kayahan Çetin: Our brothers and sisters worldwide congratulated us.
We want to meet with them soon either in Istanbul or Ankara. We are planning to hold a great congress to contribute to the creation of a more equitable, sharing and multipolar world order.

Any final words?

Samet Kunt: These actions will continue. American soldiers and American elements, whoever they may be, even the President of the US, will no longer walk around freely in Türkiye. We are ready to do whatever is necessary.