The new US Civil War: Who are the real enemies of ordinary Americans?

On the evening of May 27, protests erupted in Minneapolis, Minnesota following the death of George Floyd. On Friday night, May 29, protesters stormed and set fire to a police station…

The mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, has declared an emergency situation in the city.

Nevertheless, protesters for several days in a row have ignored the authorities’ attempts to impose curfews – protests have grown into outright destruction, arson and looting. Protests then rose all over the US, from New York to Washington to Los Angeles to Minneapolis

When the situation began to move into a critical phase, President Donald Trump expressed readiness to deploy his country’s armed forces to Minneapolis if necessary.

Politicians and the mainstream media have discussed the dramatic events in terms of racism and vandalism. However, they refuse to talk about the truly catastrophic gulf that is widening in the United States…

Where it all started

On May 25, George Floyd was detained on suspicion of using false documents. A witness to the detention filmed a video of a white police officer pressing Floyd’s throat with his knee while in detention, disregarding his words that he was having trouble breathing. A few hours later, Floyd died in hospital.

Initially dismissed from the job, one of the officers involved was arrested after the rioting began.

Police officer Derek Chauvin was charged with third-degree murder, and bail was set at $500,000. All four officers, including Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng, and Tou Thao, were fired from the Minneapolis Police Department.

There was also information that Chauvin and Floyd knew each other before the incident. Floyd and the accused former police office worked at a Minneapolis nightclub a year before the incident, according to the New York Times. It is reported that the former policeman worked as a security guard there, while the deceased Floyd was a bouncer.

Despite these measures, the protests did not quell, but, on the contrary, flared up with more energy. At the centre of the rhetoric are the slogans #blacklivesmatter, #whitetrash, #icantbreath and others.

The reaction of the establishment and the war against all

The representatives of the establishment, both Democrats and Republicans had predictable comments: in their political interests, without any real interest in the problems of American society. They either called for peaceful demonstrations, called the protesters “terrorists” (like Senator Marco Rubio), or simply used the moment for self-propaganda (like Joe Biden).

But one thing is clear: the establishment is extremely scared of the situation. It has come to the point where troops have been deployed to stabilize the situation.

The authorities have no authority among those who long ago ceased to hope for their help. Instead of solving the problem of social inequality, the authorities shoot at people, only pouring oil onto the fire of the new civil war in the United States.

America, which cultivates the force of the army abroad, has obviously grown accustomed to the idea that the military in the event of an emergency may also act within the country.

One of the legislative precedents is the Insurrection Act of 1807. The law was last applied by 41st US President George W. Bush to suppress riots in Los Angeles in 1992, before that by 36th President Lyndon Johnson during the 1967 riots in Detroit.

The streets of Minneapolis are filled with mixed and diverse groups: white, colored, poor and rich, real protesters and looters, antifascists, anarchists and Oathkeepers Militia with rifles. Some beat the others, others drive away the police, the fourth defend the shops. Looks like a real civil war.

This is no longer a question of white and black – everyone who is tired of the system as a whole is coming out. The American people are tired of living under a system where the largest cause of bankruptcy is medical bills, a system where information noise has killed freedom of speech, a system where pseudo-elections between Democrats and Republicans do not solve systemic problems.

There are outright gangsters and looters among those who take to the streets, but most are ordinary people who are tired of an unfair system. That’s why it has grown from local conflict into mass unrest all over America, from New York to Texas to Los Angeles. There are also a large number of provocateurs.

The paradoxes of Minnesota

In 2018, Minnesota was ranked as one of the best states to live in the United States, and in the same year, it was almost at the bottom of the income and employment gap. The overall unemployment rate in Minnesota is about 8%.

The indicators show that there is indeed an income and employment gap based on race.

Why? As a rule, among the reasons indicate that white managers are not in a hurry to hire African Americans because they either prefer to hire from among their own.

There is, however, one more factor that is not always taken into account, and it is not customary to talk about it in the media. A large number of the unemployed are people of color (including black) workers who have emigrated from other countries. In such cases there are problems with integration: sometimes it is a language barrier, sometimes there are no connections, and sometimes there are insufficient qualifications. Therefore, one of the reasons for refusals to come candidates is the reluctance of the employer to take risks.

Further, it is curious to note that Minnesota is a traditionally Democratic region. The main leaders – from Tim Walz governor to senators (such as Amy Jean Klobuchar, formerly a US presidential candidate) and Vice-Governor (Tina Flint Smith) – are democrats.

The paradox of Minnesota is the huge income gap, where comfort and poverty coexisted long before the coronavirus crisis. But there is another paradox: how is it that Democrats, who are the so-called strongest advocates of the rights of the POC, have received such a serious social gap between races?

Why didn’t the Democrats, some of whom actively support the protests and who are so supportive of oppressed minorities, do anything to solve the state’s internal problems? After all, the easiest thing to do now is to blame Trump and the “white supremacists” involved in the capitalist system.

Presidential race

Minnesota could play a crucial role in determining the winner of the November 3 presidential election. In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton overtook Trump in the state with a major African-American electorate – it was important for Trump not to lose the region this year. In October, he held a big rally in Minneapolis.

However, after the big protests, the chances are obviously reduced. Some journalists express the idea that the protests (which are based on a real crime, but artificially ignited before hysteria and pogroms) are part of an instrument in the electoral struggle against Trump.

Trump himself reacted harshly to the protests, blaming the situation of “antifascists” and “radical leftists”.

“These are “Organized Groups” that have nothing to do with George Floyd. Sad!” the president wrote on Twitter.

“Crossing State lines to incite violence is a FEDERAL CRIME! Liberal Governors and Mayors must get MUCH tougher or the Federal Government will step in and do what has to be done, and that includes using the unlimited power of our Military and many arrests. Thank you!”

Trump criticized the local leadership for being too lenient and unable to relieve the tension in the city.

He said the Democrats in the state would shame the memory of George Floyd. He also issued open threats: “when the looting begins, the shooting begins,” he said.

Many politicians (of course, mostly democrats) use the disorder to their political advantage and conduct self-promotion.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden bailed out some of those who had been arrested…

According to the March 2020 primaries, Biden leads the region. However, the day before, Biden himself got into a race scandal, saying that he who voted for Trump cannot be black. After that a video with a symbolic coffin was posted online, in which Biden’s campaign was “buried”.

Obviously, Biden is trying to override that story and get black voters in the state and the United States in general.

Democrat Kamala Harris (a former police officer) has joined the protests, also using the situation for her own self-promotion.

Minnesota Democrat Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan accused “white supremacists” of engaging in provocations to blame on the protestors.

“There are white supremacists. There are anarchists. There are people who are burning down the institutions that are core to our identity and who we are.”

Flanagan did not name any particular white supremacist group or offer evidence of their presence there.

The aforementioned Bush Sr. lost his presidential seat because of the 1992 protests – Bill Clinton was elected instead, following mass riots. Why? Because of the African-American electorate. It’s very possible that Trump is waiting for the same thing.

If he wins and keeps the old system, the rift in society will only intensify – Minnesota will be followed by other states. How will the president be treated by the Black Americans he’s willing to employ troops against?

The coronavirus that triggered the medical crisis and the massive loss of jobs will only make the existing problems of social and economic inequality sharper.

A premeditated provocation?

Different versions of what was happening began to crop up online, including theories that the situation was prepared in advance, awaiting a suitable occasion.

Attorney General William Barr said Saturday that violence in many places around the country appears to have been planned and carried out by “far-left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics” in the wake of riots over the death of George Floyd.

Groups of outside radical agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda,” Barr said.

The problem is revealed: as is often the case in different countries, the original protest is picked up by political forces, made into a media product (with convenient slogans, hashtags and support of certain political forces) and then used to its advantage. Others try to discredit the protesters.

We saw the same happen to the French Yellow Vests – the Rothschild president, Emmanuel Macron, sent all mainstream media against the people to portray them as vandals. On the other hand, the movement has pseudo-allies such as the trade unions that have long since failed to protect residents and essentially work for capitalists, which tried to take control of the protests to quell them.

The “R” word

170 years after the abolition of slavery and 52 years after the murder of Martin Luther King, the United States remains a fundamentally racist country.

What effects of racism are we seeing today?

The median income for Black households in Minneapolis is about $38,200, less than half that of white households ($85,400). This is a greater difference than the gap between the national medians for each group ($41,500 and $68,000).

For the same region, we see the following figures for employment, income and poverty, according to the Metro Monitor study.

In the country as a whole, the figures are also frightening. The unemployment rate among black Americans is at least twice as high as that of whites at the national level. In the fourth quarter of 2018, black workers had the highest unemployment rate in the country, at 6.5%, followed by Hispanics (4.5%), Asians (3.2%) and whites (3.1%). According to data from the same year, African Americans had the highest unemployment rate in the District of Colombia (11.8%), followed by Pennsylvania (8.9 %), Illinois (8.8%), Louisiana (8.0%) and Mississippi (7.7%).

The average annual income of African Americans in the United States, according to Brookings, was $41,511.

In addition, a high level of segregation of blacks and whites persists in almost all US cities.

With regard to prisons, African Americans are more frequently imprisoned. At the end of 2017, according to Pew Research, there were about 475,900 black and 436,500 white inmates in federal and state prisons in the United States – the difference is 39,400. Ten years earlier, there were 592,900 blacks and 499,800 whites. However, the ratio of population to prisoner population based on race/ethnicity is very different: blacks, Hispanics account for a higher proportion of the prison population than the American population. In 2017, blacks made up 12% of the adult US population, but 33% of the prison population was convicted. White people made up 64% of the adult population but 30% of the prison population. Although Hispanics made up 16% of the adult population, they accounted for 23% of the prison population.

As for the health system, it too remains overwhelmingly inaccessible to African Americans. According to 2018, the National Center for Health statistics:

Percent of persons all ages in fair or poor health: 13.8% (9.5% in case of white people), percent of persons under age 65 without health insurance coverage: 12.1% (7.8% in case of white people).

The Coronavirus pandemic has only more clearly demonstrated the problem of access to health care in the United States, especially for African Americans, especially those affected by the virus, with the most frequent fatalities.

The result is paradoxical: America, which speaks more about human rights than any other country, is replete with ghettos crammed with people who have virtually no rights, full of unemployed and poor people. It is not surprising that this income gap provokes criminality and boosts interest in the topic.

It is important to understand that the United States’ anti-human system itself has intentionally incited inequality, racism and crime. When you create living conditions in which people live worse than animals – with access only to cheap carcinogenic foods, without access to good education and health care – segregation and racism are involuntarily provoked. This is not a matter of genetic predetermination – it is a matter of history and social conditions.

Racism is fundamentally a consequence of capitalism. The US is a country of unbridled capitalism, where the ideas of socialism are becoming more and more popular, but in practice the so-called pseudo-legal and liberals intercept the left agenda and reduce it to safe talking points to fight against political rivals.

Instead of their true purpose – the struggle against capitalism – Western “leftists” often reduce the whole problem only to the absence of tolerance. They propose to fight not the roots of the problem (the most vicious system of capitalism), but only the consequences, and do so in a dirty way.


Social inequality in the US has reached a critical point – the coronavirus has only made things clearer, as the capitalist system nears the economic conditions of the Great Depression. The US unemployment rate jumped to 14.7% in April 2020 as the Covid-19 crisis threw millions out of work.

The number of unemployed persons rose by 15.9 million to 23.1 million.

Although the coronavirus pandemic has shown that no one is protected under this system: neither white, black, it has especially made the plight of black people in the US clearer. The establishment, however, is only using the racial agenda to its advantage: Democrats are trying to win the votes of Black Americans via the issue, and Trump is betting on poor workers nostalgic for the “old America”.

Although both the African-American from Minneapolis and the unemployed white man from the outskirts of New York might have trouble accessing ventilators, the former is still statistically less likely. Nonetheless, it has become clear that tackling the issue will require class solidarity across racial boundaries.

Social tensions are escalating – Minneapolis has exploded, but this is not the first or the last case. Now the army has gone into action – but does military deterrence help solve the problem of wages and living conditions?

As a result, without being able to change the system, Americans have attempted to tolerate it to the last, using drugs (especially among the poor) or antidepressants (drug use has increased by 64% since 1999 by 2014).

While divisions between white and black are undoubtedly real and need to be tackled, ultimately, the real division is between classes, exploiters and exploited. Neither Trump, nor pseudo-left or democrats will save the people – all of them are seen as little more than resources to the establishment which is attempting to defend its own power and economic interests.

The death of George Floyd will be meaningless, as will the death of thousands of African Americans every year, if the spontaneous action doesn’t graduate into a hardened and organized resistance against the American system at its roots. All Americans who do not fit into the globalist agenda must turn their anger against the system as a whole: against the establishment, against the Democrats, against the Republicans, against big business, and most importantly, against capitalism.