The special services of Azerbaijan exposed the French agent network

On 5 April 2024, in Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, a round table was held in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant. Its title: “On the importance of the principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different political systems to ensure genuine peace and sustainable security in the 21st century. Immanuel Kant’s legacy”. The conference was held at the Baltic Federal University as part of the expansion and intensification of the work of the “Friends of Russia Club” with the support of the United Russia Party (Russia). Politicians and public figures from Azerbaijan, Cambodia, India, Latvia, Lebanon, Moldova, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, Türkiye and the USA took part in the event in person and online.

As United World International, we share with our readers some of the speeches held at this event. The second speech we are presenting is by the Deputy Member of the Committee on Agrarian Affairs of the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Member of the Board of the New Azerbaijan Party (ruling party) Azer Badamov.


Dear colleagues!

First of all, I would like to thank you for the invitation to this event of international importance and congratulate you on the day of celebrating the 300th anniversary of the great philosopher Immanuel Kant.

I express my condolences on the tragic loss of life because of the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert hall and wish a speedy recovery to all the victims. Azerbaijan strongly condemns this terrible terrorist act. Our people have faced severe consequences of many terrorist attacks against Azerbaijan, and we share your pain. A terrorist has no homeland, nation or religion. This is a human problem and the whole world should fight this problem with solidarity.

I would like to touch upon the inadmissibility of unlawful interference in the internal affairs of the UN member states. I note that today the world order is in chaos. The West is trying to exercise its hegemony throughout the world. Unfortunately, international law is not respected.

The process of global polarization has accelerated. Interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries within the framework of the UN has become commonplace. According to the UN Charter, the main purpose of the principle of sovereign equality is to ensure the legal equal participation of all states in international relations regardless of their economic, social, political and other characteristics. Since states are equal participants in international communication, they all have, in principle, the same rights and obligations. But Western interference in the internal affairs of states is a violation of their sovereign rights.

Our country faced such double standards. International law did not work for 30 years, while our lands were under occupation. Four UN Security Council resolutions were not implemented and remained on paper. And when Azerbaijan by its own efforts restored the violated international legal norms, fulfilled the UN Security Council resolutions, independently liberated its lands from occupation and fully restored sovereignty on the whole territory, some Western countries, particularly France, began to put pressure on Azerbaijan.

The French government interferes in the internal affairs of certain states, ignoring the requirements of international law, particularly, a few months ago the special services of Azerbaijan exposed the French agent network in our country.

The West does not want to see strong independent states and tries to weaken them by violating internal political stability, interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign countries, financing according actors through various funds. Thus, we observe that orange revolutions are taking place in countries under the influence of Western funds led by USAID, which are implementing insidious plans of the West. Under the slogans of democracy, freedom of speech and human rights, Western foundations and non-governmental organizations are trying to turn peaceful citizens against the state, destroying their consciousness.

We have witnessed that the situation that arose after the coups in the countries where the Arab Spring took place, on the contrary, worsened. In particular, the West carried out a coup d’état in Ukraine through the Orange Revolution, the result of which we see today. And despite the tragic results of these interventions, the West continues its strategy, in particular the French policy of neocolonialism, the consequences of which are not difficult to predict.

If the West and the foundations it sponsors are concerned about human rights, democracy and the future of people, they should direct some of the money spent on the destruction of independent states to the starving peoples of Africa, they too have a right to life. But this is not happening. Because they are worried about losing influence in sovereign and developing countries. That is why they spend their millions to destroy nations that have succeeded through their independence.

Dear friends!

France and some other Western countries, instead of using human rights, democracy and freedom of speech as a tool to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states, should show solidarity in solving global problems. For example, Azerbaijan was unanimously elected to host the COP29 conference (The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference) in November, a sign of recognition of our efforts in the field of green transition and another proof of Azerbaijan’s contribution to solving global world problems.

We have ensured freedom of speech and human rights at a high level. From this point of view, I believe that we should support each other to identify and neutralize networks that work against the national interests of our peoples and states.

Thank you for your attention.