Trump and Mexico: a step toward restoring order on the border

On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court reaffirmed the president’s right to limit asylum requests for migrants from Central and South America. Trump hailed the decision as a “big victory,” while his opponents issued heavy criticism.

According to the new ruling, migrants who cross over the United States’ southern border will be required to prove that other states along the way have already refused their asylum requests.

The White House issued a decree in July which blocked asylum seekers from entering into the United States (mainly from Central America and Venezuela) if they traveled by land and did not apply for refugee status in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras or Nicaragua.

The bill was repeatedly discussed after being proposed, but opponents of the reform said that the document was contrary to federal law, which states that anyone who makes it to the border can seek asylum if they can prove they were experiencing unlawful persecution at home.

After numerous appeals and discussions in the media, the Supreme Court nevertheless sided with Trump, referring to “exception” clauses in federal law. Trump was also supported by the head of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Kenneth Cuccinelli, who stressed that, while Congress is doing nothing, the president is the only one taking practical measures to solve the crisis on the US-Mexico border.

Mexican reaction

Mexican President Lopez Obrador confirmed he would comply with the plan. The leaders spoke on the phone after a court decision and came to a consensus.

On the other hand, some contradictions inevitably arose. On Thursday, the Mexican government said it was opposed to a decision being made by the US Supreme Court which banned migrants traveling through other countries.

Previously, the US government took tough enough measures to earn support from Mexico. At that time, Washington stressed that it would introduce tariffs against Mexican goods if the country did not take steps to reduce migrants along the southern borders. The aggressive strategy paid off. 

However, Mexico has long resisted US pressure to sign a formal “safe third country” agreement that would oblige it to consider asylum cases for migrants from Central America and other countries. From the point of view of domestic politics, Mexico is not interested in accepting the migrants either (many of whom are criminal elements), as doing so would jeopardize their schools, clinics, etc.

Despite this, Trump’s plan has gradually begun to work. Refugees already think twice before setting off to achieve the “American Dream.” The recent elections in Guatemala are also playing a role in the success of the negotiations.

Trump Power

Of course, Trump’s actions and decisions were immediately criticized by democrats, globalists, supporters of the Open Society, etc., advocates of lax immigration policy. However, despite criticism, Trump has gradually begun to implement his policy, and make good on his campaign promises to regulate illegal immigration. This includes not only building a wall on the southern border but also enhanced police control at border crossings and strengthening checkpoints.

Of course, Mexico is unlikely to pay for the Wall, as Trump proposed, but the United States will at least stop the uncontrolled migration flow – a direct result of democratic policy, and particularly those enacted by former president Bill Clinton.

According to the NY Post, in 2019, US border patrol arrested over 400,000 migrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras for illegally crossing the border. However, only 4,300 Mexicans were stopped.

It is easier to criticize Trump for his “racism” or “hatred” than it is to understand the migration crisis and propose a reasonable solution. Regardless of the anger expressed by his opponents, no one can deny that Trump’s strategy is working as intended.