Trump’s Wall, Boris Johnson’s appointment, death of Beji Caid

The Wall

The US Supreme Court allowed Donald Trump to use $ 2.5 billion from the Pentagon’s budget to build several sections of the wall on the border with Mexico.

Five judges voted in favor of the decision, and four against. This vote canceled the ruling of the lower courts, which had blocked Trump’s actions. The American president called the decision a “big victory.”

The Associated Press notes that Trump also expects to receive $ 3.6 billion from military construction funds and $600 million from the Ministry of Finance.

Johnson’s appointment

Boris Johnson was elected as the new leader of the British Conservative Party. In the final vote, he defeated his rival, Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt. As a result, on Wednesday, Johnson will be announced as the new prime minister of Great Britain.

Almost 140,000 Tory party members took part in the vote, two-thirds of whom voted for Johnson.

Death of the Tunisian president

In the capital of Tunisia, a funeral was held for the country’s leader Beji Caid, who died on Thursday at the 93. Leaders of a number of countries arrived in Tunisia to attend the mourning ceremony, among them French President Emmanuel Macron, the presidents of Portugal and Algeria, and the kings of Spain and Morocco. 

Beji Caid became the first democratically elected leader of Tunisia in December 2014. In recent months, he was stricken with health problems, although, according to media reports, the cause of death was food poisoning.

New presidential elections will be held in September. In the meantime, the speaker of parliament, Mohamed al-Nasser, will serve as temporary head of state.