Turkey and Iran targeted by broad US-Israeli plot

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that Tel Aviv, the United States and Arab countries have agreed to work together against Iran. ANKASAM Consultant Kadir Ertaç Çelik stated that Ankara and Tehran are the targets of the plans extending from the Gulf to Africa.

US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien visited Israel on Sunday, meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Speaking at a press conference with O’Brien at the prime ministry’s office in West Jerusalem, Netanyahu said that Iran threatens world peace, saying, “We must all unite to prevent this great threat to world peace.”


Claiming that Iran supports “terrorist organizations” in the region and in the world, Netanyahu said, “If the Islamic Republic of Iran is not blocked today, it will have missiles with nuclear warheads that can target Europe and America tomorrow and will become a global tyrant. Iran, thus, will put everyone in danger.”

Stating that the United States appreciates the role it played in the normalization of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco with Israel, Netanyahu addressed O’Brien, saying: “President Donald Trump has adopted the implementation of heaviest sanctions policy rather than spoiling the tyrants in Tehran. This policy has received tremendous support in the Middle East. Israelis and Arabs appreciated Trump when he withdrew from the worst nuclear deal with Iran. Now, Israel has agreed with the US and Arab countries to stop Iran.”

On the other hand, “All the agreements made were very important. However, none of them were as big as the one with Morocco, which has historical ties with the Jewish people,’ O’Brien said.


Last week, Morocco’s normalization agreement with Israel was marked on the agenda. With the agreement to initiate diplomatic relations following US President Trump’s announcement that he signed a declaration that they recognize Morocco’s dominance in Western Sahara, Morocco became the 4th Arab country to join the normalization rush with Israel.

The UAE and Bahrain signed an agreement to normalize relations with Israel at a ceremony held at the White House on September 15. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan announced on October 23 that the transitional government accepted the normalization of relations with Israel.

Drawing attention to the transition of the US-Israeli plan in the Gulf to Africa, the specialists stated that Iran and Turkey are the target of a plan that is currently being implemented throughout the region. We talked to Kadir Ertaç Çelik, Consultant of Ankara Crisis and Political Research Center (ANKASAM), about the latest developments in the Gulf and the US-Israel plans.



Kadir Ertaç Çelik, who evaluated the visit of Trump’s son-in-law Kushner to Qatar last week and the statements about Qatar-Saudi Arabia relations, issued the following comments:

“Kushner is not a stranger to the Middle East, he directs the US Middle East policies in line with Israel Zionism and US interests. We can say that the main purpose of this visit is to ensure the security of Israel in the region. Kushner’s plan is to design a safe zone for Israel. This is also a preliminary preparation for possible operations against Iran. “


Emphasizing that the aim of the latest plans in the Gulf is to create conflict in the Arab world and to escalate the tension with Iran, Çelik added the following:

“In this context, they aim to fuel the conflict between the Arab world and Iran in the region, to create sectarian and ethnic conflict. The aim is to ensure the security of Israel, and therefore to break up the elements that may be enemies to Israel in the future. In other words, they are trying to break up Arab countries in this direction. You know the Qatar crisis. Qatar-Iran-Turkey formed a resistance against US-Israeli-backed Saudi Arabia. It was a regional resistance to imperialism. This resistance prevented the establishment of the Arab NATO. For example, Pakistan made a statement and said ‘We will act according to Ankara.’ Ergo, this front was also broken by regional resistance.”


Stating that Trump is after some moves without leaving the presidency, “Although the Jewish lobbies voted for the democrats in the US elections, the Israeli and Israeli lobby openly supported Trump. Trump worked for this. He worked on the security of Israel, such as the plan to implement Jerusalem as the capital,’’ Çelik said.


Emphasizing that they will not give up global competition even though there was a different projection in the Biden period, Çelik commented on the new field of struggle as follows:

“A serious competition has started, especially in African geopolitics. Iran has a significant influence in Africa, as does China. Turkey also gives importance to Africa and its geopolitical role in the region. Turkey is a rising power in Africa. Turkey’s new ambassador appointed to the region is significant evidence of the importance given to Africa. It is said that more appointments will be made in the near future. Here the US is trying to take the lead against developing regional powers in Africa. Meanwhile, China, Iran and Turkey aim to neutralize such forces. For this purpose, they signed an agreement with Morocco and made a move to Africa. Because the US has lost in the Middle East, it is very difficult to penetrate in Asia. Ergo, Africa is an important competition area for them. As a result of the global leadership race, the struggle will continue in Africa.”



Stating that these plans may make Turkey and Russia approach one another and create a new area of cooperation, Çelik issued the following statements:

“If Biden opens the Iran nuclear deal process, that imposes a geopolitical situation in which Turkey and Russia will be closer to one another. Rapprochement of Russia and Turkey constitutes a threat to the global influence of the United States. This cooperation can be carried to Africa as well.”
