Turkey`s responsibility for the future of Syria

US President Donald Trump declared that Turkey would eradicate the remaining Daesh members in Syria. According to him, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be able to take care of this.

He also stated that in light of Daesh defeat, American troops will be returning home.

The American president said that the Sunday conversation with his Turkish counterpart mainly concerned Syria and trade issues. According to him, the conversation was “long and productive.”

Trump made it clear that fighting Daesh had been the US’ only priority in Syria, and that their defeat signals the end of American presence.

This is further evidence of Trump’s populism. Before he became President, he promised to put `America first`, and urged the government to take a break from Middle Eastern adventures and pay attention to the situation inside the United States.

This is a rejection of the globalist model and a return to realism in politics, a rejection of the strategy of regional destabilization such as support for the Kurds and their provocations.

Experts suppose that the United States decided not to get involved in direct conflict with the Turks, abandoning their Kurdish allies and make the full withdrawal.

Perhaps Trump’s desire to permanently withdraw troops is insincere, but it may also be a real step against Washington’s globalist course. The key task of the Turkey-Russia-Iran axis is to counter American efforts to destabilize Syria. This is the only possible way to restore peace in the Middle East, as the neocon “peace” strategy is actually about fostering chaos.

Now, Ankara, Tehran and Moscow are taking full responsibility for the events in Syria and will try to restore order. Life in Syria post-US presence depends on developing a new plan of action: while it is clearly a victory against the globalists, it also means taking responsibility for what happens next.

How has Turkey reacted? Turkey says it is ready for this responsibility. According to Erdogan, the goal of Turkey in Syria is to ensure the freedom of the Arabs and Kurds by their presence. Despite extremely difficult relations with the Kurds, Erdogan made it clear that Ankara will “consider the problems of the Kurds as their own.”

“Why are we now in Syria? To return freedom to our Arab and Kurdish brothers, not to terrorist groups“, he said. He added that in Syria “it is a question of freedom and its territorial integrity.”

He clarified that he would not leave the Syrian Kurds at the mercy of PKK / PYD terrorists.

`Thanks` to PKK terrorists, tens of thousands of people have been killed, and the problem was made far worse by Western forces (including USA, France and others) who were supporting these groups. About 28% of Syrian lands are occupied by these groups.

In the meantime, Operation Euphrates Shield continues. The Hamza division (part of the Syrian Free Army) has already sent fighters and armored vehicles to the border. The center of interest is Manbij. As FSA commander Abu Yazan said, Manbij will be freed, and the terrorists will be wiped out.

Seyf Ebu Bekir, a commander of the Hamza Division, which is a member of the Turkey-backed Free Syria Army (FSA), told Anadolu Agency that he does not think France would be able to support YPG/PKK in the region east of the Euphrates River.

At the same time, Turkey and the US agreed to complete the Manbij roadmap before the US finishes its withdrawal from Syria, Cavusoglu.

Turkey is also concerned about the Hajin territory after YPG / PKK seized control of the city, which was the main stronghold of Daesh terrorists. In 10 days, the YPG / PKK, with the support of the US coalition, ousted the terrorists– at the cost of destruction of the city, Ankara added.

Daesh, meanwhile, still holds positions in at least in 5 areas in Syria.

Therefore, the question of the final victory over the terrorists is a question of agreement between Damascus, Moscow, Ankara and Tehran. Only the combined efforts of this coalition can stabilize the situation in Syria. The departure of American forces signals a real possibility for peace.