Weekly review (16-22th of July)

Trump-Putin Meeting: the dialogue of realists

Trump and Putin met on the 16th of July in Helsinki. The meeting was held amidst a complex political background: just several days after the NATO summit (where Trump criticized Germany for collaboration with Russia) and Trump’s visit to the UK, where he tried to establish a new Anglo-saxon economic axis, and criticized Theresa May’s lack of commitment to fulfilling the terms of the initial Brexit negotiations. Read more – in our full analysis.

Nicaraguan protests

On 18 April 2018, demonstrators in several cities across Nicaragua began protests against President Daniel Ortega’s proposed social security reforms which increased taxes and decreased benefits. The reforms are being carried out in accordance with recommendations by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The organization stated that without such a reform, by 2019, the Nicaraguan Social Security Institute (INSS) will completely exhaust its funds. President Daniel Ortega announced the cancellation of the law as a result of the protests. After the demonstrations against the reform, the requirements to hold early presidential elections followed, and there were many calls for the resignation of prominent officials. These requirements are supported by US organizations: the Organization of American States (headquartered in the USA) condemned the violence in Nicaragua and demanded that the government hold early presidential elections in March 2019 instead of 2021. The authorities of Nicaragua reacted to this as interference in the internal affairs of the state and violation of the country’s right to self-determination.

Brexit crisis

No decision has yet been made regarding Brexit. A political crisis is taking place in UK politics: the political field is split between the hard-Brexit and soft-Brexit supporters. May has tried to appease both camps, but as a result weakened her position and provoked protests on both sides of the aisle. Experts suggest that May might soon resign.