By Mehmet Perinçek
The quelling of the July 15-16, 2016, the FETÖ (Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization) coup attempt holds significance not only for Türkiye and the region but also on a global scale. Had Ankara fallen into the hands of the US Gladio, the Turkish state would have been internally undermined so that the territorial integrity of Türkiye would have gone under threat and a puppet government would have been used against all Eurasian powers in the name of the Atlantic.
Yes, July 15-16 of 2016 was a moment of truth not only for Türkiye, but also for the Eurasian front.
There are many lessons to be learned from such an important process. The answers to questions like “How sufficient is the fight against FETÖ”, “How can FETÖ be totally eliminated” and “How can we prevent similar threats” share a common point at their core. Let’s focus on this.
Concrete analysis of the concrete situation
There is no doubt that FETÖ is a CIA apparatus. The organization of this terrorist group around the world and its reaching such a level of influence would not have been possible without the CIA behind it. FETÖ’s actions have always been in line with American strategy. There are numerous examples of this fact.
It is very clear that without recognizing the power behind FETÖ and taking measures accordingly, it is impossible to fight the threat it poses to Türkiye. Initially, we need to know “what we are fighting against”.
Without understanding the matter, we cannot intervene correctly.
FETÖ is NATO’s child
Moreover, we need to answer the question, “When did Gladio organizations like FETÖ begin to form in Türkiye?” Even before FETÖ, there were such illegal formations within the Turkish state. These formations had also been involved in significant plots, coups and massacres before FETÖ. Likewise, similar entities will be organized and used after FETÖ as well.
Therefore, it is essential to get to the root of the problem to achieve a fundamental solution.
In Türkiye, Gladio (or SuperNATO or the counter-guerrilla with its other naming) started to be organized with Türkiye’s joining NATO. An authority parallel to the official authority of the Turkish state was established within the state itself. That is how FETÖ gained such an influence.
In short, FETÖ cannot even be imagined without the US and NATO.
Need for a comprehensive strategy
Thus, the fight against FETÖ also means fighting against US and NATO intervention and hegemony. Any measures not based on this basic fact can neither eliminate FETÖ nor prevent the risk of potentially similar organizations.
It is very simple: Türkiye cannot achieve a decisive victory in the fight against FETÖ while remaining a member of NATO, sticking with the delusional belief of “being one of the US’s most important allies” and leaving the fate of the Turkish economy to US banks and British funds. That is to say: We cannot defend Türkiye this way.
Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive strategy that will strengthen Türkiye’s national sovereignty, ensure its security and lead its economy out of crisis. The indispensable part of such a strategy is putting a stop to US and NATO expansionism.
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