The so-called Uyghur Tribunal, which accuses China of committing ‘genocide’ against the nation’s Islamic minority, convened from June 4 to 7 in London. This so-called tribunal is actually a private company registered in the UK that is supported by business persons and private foundations, its major source of funding coming from anti-China separatist organizations. In our previous article, we highlighted ...

Israeli attacks on Gaza and the Palestinian people, which have been taking place on a yearly basis, resulted in extreme casualties during the latest assault. As the cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu imploded while seeking to consolidate its political power by bringing destruction to Gaza, the Palestinian resistance finally gained the psychological upper hand over Tel Aviv government for the first ...

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has invited to a “World Symposium for Marxist Political Parties” on May 27th, 2021. 58 different political parties from 48 countries, ranging from Chile to Egypt, Turkey to Nepal participated in the symposium, attended by 70 representatives. The closing speech of the Symposium was held by Dr. Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of the Turkish Vatan ...

The so-called Uyghur Tribunal, which accuses China of committing ‘genocide’, has started in London. Experts evaluated that this tribunal has no legal foundation and cannot be taken seriously. Dolkun Isa is the Head of World Uyghur Congress, which is funded by the CIA-backed National Endowment for Democracy (NED) with thousands of dollars. Isa has received NED Democracy Award in 2019. ...

The Communist Party of China’s convention of a “World Symposium for Marxist political parties” has constituted a historic reunion that is going to shape the 21st century. 28 political parties from 6 continents, all guided by scientific socialism, have presented speeches. All these speeches had a hopeful view on the future in common. There was a complete consensus to construct ...

58 political parties from 48 countries gathered together to “build a new world” The Communist Party of China (CPC) has invited to a “World Symposium for Marxist Political Parties” on May 27th, 2021. 58 different political parties from 48 countries, ranging from Chile to Egypt, Turkey to Nepal attended the symposium, where 70 representatives participated. Leaders of Marxist parties from ...

By Ersoy İrşi We continue to discover more about the band that is considered the greatest throughout the entire history of music and that the whole world has listened to: Pink Floyd. taking a closer look, we discover reflections from the Chinese literature classics in the band’s most legendary songs. Pink Floyd is a music band that has ingrained itself ...

Uighurs have gained the attention of the world, their prominence is at its highest since the days of Genghis Khan. This, of course, is not because they have earned the world’s admiration or love. The reason is that the United States is engaged in a new Cold War, which the minority Muslim group has found themselves at the center of. ...

Western countries’ acusstations that China is committing a genocide against Uyghurs and disciminating against Muslims is an imperialist lie. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has created the most sophisticated legal regulation in the world with regard to national minorities and China has the most advanced practices available for dealing with the situation. I have visited the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region many ...

The tension between Russia and the Ukraine over the Donbass Region in the north of the Black Sea is growing further. NATO and the United States made provocative statements, Turkey, on the other hand, stated expressed the wish to ease tensions. Retired Lt. Gen. Ismail Hakkı Pekin, former Head of Intelligence at the Chief of Staff of Turkish Armed Forces, ...