

Macron: Swallowing toads in Africa and plucking daisy leaves in Ukraine

Macron: Swallowing toads in Africa and plucking daisy leaves in Ukraine

His suffered defeats in Africa may explain the French president's irrational aggression towards Russia.
Tuaregs in Burkina Faso

Tuaregs in Burkina Faso

Historical overview and regional perspectives.
Speech of the President of Azerbaijan in the Non-Aligned Movement Summit

Speech of the President of Azerbaijan in the Non-Aligned Movement Summit

Remarks on decolonization in Africa, reform of the UNSC and the continuing struggle against COVID
Africa on the threshold of global change

Africa on the threshold of global change

Is there any prospect for Turkish-Russian cooperation?
The legacy of French colonialism in Africa

The legacy of French colonialism in Africa

History shows that until France leaves Africa, economic hegemony and coups will continue.