On her visit to Cairo, Egypt, EU Commission President von der Leyen signed a joint statement with Egyptian President al Sisi and a Memorandum of Understanding with Egyptian and Israeli counterparts on June 15. The European – Egyptian joint statement referred to the fact that Egypt is hosting this years climate summit COP 27. Both sides agreed to advance the ...

The European Parliament has once again confirmed its interventionist and conflictive stance towards Türkiye on June 7. On that day, the EP has approved the 2021 Commission Report on Turkey with 448 votes in favor, 67 against and 107 abstentions. The EP concludes in its document that there is no room to reopen the negotiations on Turkey’s membership, given the ...

As the Ukraine crisis broke out, the plans for transporting the energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean to Europe via Turkey, with Israel as the main hub, began to be heard among the political circles. While Israel being persistent on the issue, some government and opposition circles in Turkey has also intensified their calls to implement this project. National interests ...

The Ukraine crisis activated the political fault lines all over the world. Even though it is far from the conflict area, the Middle East is also affected by the “low-intensity war” between Russia and the USA taking place in Ukraine. The most visible proof of this situation are day-to-day more tense relations between Russia and Israel. This tension between Russia ...

The effects of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine are being felt in the Eastern Mediterranean just as they are throughout the rest of the world. The equation, formed by the complete rupture of Russian-European relations, leads the countries of the region to new options. The new situation in the Eastern Mediterranean Although the relations between Russia and Israel started ...

Can the waves at the Black Sea calm the waters of the Eastern Mediterranean? In less maritime words: will the conflict in the Ukraine lead to a reset in the long-time troubled Turkish – American bilateral relations? A recent hearing in US House of Representatives may provide some answers. On April 4, the US-Turkish Strategic Dialogue Mechanism has been inaugurated. ...

The European Union’s (EU) document titled “A Strategic Compass for Security and Defense” was approved by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) on March 21st 2022. By approving this strategic document, the European Union has officially declared its complete rejection of Turkey’s and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ (TRNC) maritime claims in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Turkish Ministry ...

While Israeli President Isaac Herzog ‘s visit to Turkey – the first after 14 years – was still continuing being echoed, the Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis visited Turkey. One of the important topics of the visit, which was evaluated positively in terms of Turkish-Greek relations, was the Eastern Mediterranean and energy. In the meantime, Ankara carried out intense diplomatic traffic ...

By Hasan Ünal* * Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Maltepe University. This text was first published by Baku Dialogues in the edition Winter 2022. As of this writing, tensions between Russia and Ukraine appeared to continue unabated, despite the Putin‑Biden online meeting and the exchange of several messages between Washington and Moscow aimed at ...

United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022. Today we present the views of Dr. Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party (Turkey). If you were the one to name the title, you would also hesitate, thinking if you should name it ...