In Türkiye, the agenda is currently influenced by international developments. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s criticisms of the West and Israel during his visit to Germany became the first topic last week. The remarks on “world order” by Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan also stood out as one of the discussed topics. Meanwhile, the Turkish people rejoiced in the national football team’s ...

Argentina has elected Javier Milei as its new President, who will take charge from December 12 on. Milei was the candidate of the Liberty Advances (LLA – for its initials in Spanish), a prty founded just 2 years ago. He was elected in the second round of elections by getting 55.7% of the votes against current minister of economy, Sergio ...

By Umur Tugay Yücel The 53rd Davos Forum was held in 2023 with the theme “Cooperation in a Fractured World”. A fragmented world was mentioned for the first time in a Western-based organization that is representative of Western civilization. Then, comments and determinations that our world was divided or fragmented began to increase. Most analyzes have shown us that division ...

As far back as September 25, 2011, I wrote an article titled “The UN is Dead.” Among other things, I stated there: “The events of recent years marked by a closed unipolarity […] show an inoperative UN bending to the will of rogue states. The unanimous resolution that condemned Iran for the alleged intention to build atomic weapons contrasts their ...

By Raphael Machado Without mincing words: the world is experiencing the Third World War, with hot phases in Ukraine and Palestine; but the rest of the world is also immersed in this war, whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not. Because wars today have informational, cultural, cybernetic and psychological dimensions, not as subsidiary elements of ...

By Tevfik Kadan The treaties of the old world that ensured the worldwide hegemony of the US are starting to disappear one by one. Russia announced the termination of the European Conventional Forces Treaty (CFE), following the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that Russia’s withdrawal process from the CFE has been completed. It was ...

The resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, beyond being a national liberation movement, in the current context has evolved into a significant component and forefront of humanity’s defiance against the unipolar, Western-centric world. In accordance with this reality, Western countries have lined up in support of Israel, their outpost in the East. To avoid any damage on ...

By Shirley Ze Yu If the conflict in Gaza were to spiral to a regional scale, almost certainly, the US would directly intervene, and possibly, China would, too. However, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza also share one aspect in common. Both wars are reflective of global geopolitical competition, with the attempt to re-configure the “century of change.” What has ...

The Schiller Institute has organized on July 8 and 9 an international conference titled “On the Verge of a New World War – European Nations Must Cooperate” in Strasbourg, France. Several politicians and scholars from a wide range of countries participated, and UWI will present a number of selected speeches from the conference. Today we present the speech held by ...

The conflict around Palestine is continuing. The clashes are more intense around the Gaza Strip, but there is a looming second front in the north, where Israeli forces face the Hezbollah. Both sides exchange fire regularly and daily. Hezbollah provides no official statistics about its military strength, but US sources consider the organization of commanding over a huge number of ...