Is COVID-19 an American bioweapon?

According to American media, COVID-19 originated from China and “was quickly spread around the world by air travelers who ran high fevers.” In the United States, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic.”

“Crimson Contagion”

According to some simulations run on the rapidity of the spread, 110 million Americans will be exposed to the virus, leading to 7.7 million hospitalized and 586,000 dead.  The US Department of Health and Human Services was preparing for something similar to the current coronavirus epidemic.

The drills were code-named “Crimson Contagion”.

This information can be seen as further proof of the theory that the coronavirus may have originated in the US, before being released in China (deliberately or by neglect).

The Chinese Global Times (a newspaper close to the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party) asked the US to provide more information about a biochemical laboratory in Fort Detrick (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, WRAIR) from July 2019. The reports suggested that as a result of a lack of periodic retraining of employees at biocontrol laboratories, the virus might have been released due to neglect.

The US One America News Network TV-channel (OANN) cited Greg Rubini, a US intelligence expert, who said that it “was genetically engineered as a Bio-Weapon at the Univ. of North Carolina BSL-3 Lab.”

According to him, the virus was spread from North Carolina to China, Italy and in the US by the “Deep State” as part of a plot “to destroy the Trump economy.”

Greg Rubini declares that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was involved in the emergence of the coronavirus.

A biological weapon?

Independent analysts have spoken with numerous biologists who suggest the virus was likely created artificially.
The retrovirus (RNA-containing viruses, which includes HIV) belongs to the same genome “class” as drosophiles, white mice, Escherichia coli and its plasmid/ring genome, which is convenient for rapid laboratory reproduction of modified genetic engineering. To imagine that a world pandemic has arisen as a result of mutations in drosophila or white mice is as ridiculous as to claim the same thing about retrovirus.

There are a variety of relevant factors: the warm winter and coming cool summer,the outbreak occurring in Wuhan where bioweapon labs are located, the US extensive research modifying retro-viruses in bats to be embedded in the human genome, the current level of bio-science– With all of this in mind, the artificial origin of the current coronavirus seems probable.

According to UWI sources in the medical industry engaged in the study of COVID-19, the specific features of the novel coronavirus (rapid mutation, gradual weakening, etc.) show that it is synthetic, made in the laboratory. Survivors have problems with the lungs (fibrosis), and the genome has the potential to develop into cancer. Thus the real danger for the survivors will come in future.

In theory, the new coronavirus is quite suitable as a biological weapon. The virus is respiratory, meaning it spreads effectively. It has a long incubation period. The coronavirus takes control of the first stages of the infection. It can suppress the immune response in the first stages. When the number of copies exceeds a certain level, an immunity is triggered, but already as a systemic immune response. This response is so strong that it leads to lung damage. The immune system gives such a strong answer that in lungs is formed edema, their vital volume is reduced to a minimum, making it impossible for the victim to breathe.

Of course, some American and mainstream media rushed to refute any arguments suggesting the virus was man-made. For example, both American and Chinese researchers criticized an Indian paper which claimed that four unique inserts in COVID-19, all of which are similar to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1, are “unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” suggesting that the virus might have been designed.

Or perhaps these scientists have something they want to conceal?

A dangerous experiment

In 2015, Professor Ralph Baric, the head of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, made a chimera coronavirus and published an article showing its potential danger.

Nature magazine reported on the experiment. The researchers had experimented with the creation of a hybrid coronavirus by crossing the surface protein SHC014 with the SARS virus in bats. The result was a mutant virus that develops very quickly and actively in human cells, and is extremely deadly.

The discovery sparked a heated debate in the scientific community. Scientists at the time said a deadly virus could leak out of the lab, taking a lot of lives. The fact that the experiment was conducted after US authorities imposed a moratorium on funding research on influenza viruses such as SARS and MERS in 2014 has also sparked criticism, as an exception seems to have been made in this case.

“The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab, of a new, non-natural risk”, said Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and biodefense expert at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey.

So we have scientific research that has proven the possibility of creating a deadly virus based on coronavirus found in Chinese bats. The research was conducted in the US, and although this kind of research was prohibited, the government made an exception for it.

In 4 years, the US ran simulations where the virus emerged in China and led to the death of half a million people in the US itself. During the exercise, there were reports of a possible diversion of biological weapons from a military laboratory in Fort Detrick. A few months later, China is experiencing an outbreak of disease caused by the mutated coronavirus of bats. Is it likely that this is just a simple coincidence?

The elites were prepared

With the coronavirus epidemic worsening in the US and around the world, the markets continue to fall. Interestingly, we now know that representatives of the US political establishment were aware of the epidemic in advance. Fox News reports that “Sens. Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler sold millions in stock before the coronavirus outbreak sent the markets in freefall.” Both are members of the Senate Health Committee, and Richard Burr is a chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The husband of Senator Loeffler – Jeffrey Sprecher – is a chairman of the New York Stock Exchange.

Back in 2015, multibillionaire Bill Gates warned about the possibility of a global epidemic and said that countries are not ready for it. In his speech, Bill Gates pointed out that a global disaster would not look like a nuclear war, it would take the form of a pandemic.

At the end of 2018, Bill Gates again expressed his fears about the new epidemic and even named its source – China. The billionaire also suggested that the Chinese virus would kill about 33 million people.

Gates is known as a proponent of population reduction.  Earlier, researchers found a link between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the British Pirbright Institute, which in 2015 filed for a patent for a living coronavirus, which was approved in 2018.

The coronavirus outbreak has drawn a great deal of attention to the dangerous plans of the world’s elites, including funding research into new types of biological weapons under the guise of humanitarianism.

Coronavirus, or rather the hysteria caused by its spread, may become one of the additional factors in a new world financial crisis, during time which the world’s elites will divide up a large portion of the world’s wealth between then.

It should be noted that there is no direct proof that the new coronavirus is an American biological weapon. The theory that it is a Chinese biological weapon also has no direct evidence. However, there is circumstantial evidence that indicates that the coronavirus may well have been created in a laboratory environment in the United States. At the same time, at least in part, the coronavirus plays into the hands of globalist elites. However, a number of trends, including the closure of economies and borders, may actually end up working against globalism. As the virus spreads, governments are strengthening their national sovereignty and closing their borders, moving closer to multipolarity.