Neoliberalism has gone bankrupt, yet the screams of ”we shall expropriate” still echo within its media sanctuaries. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s ”America first” policies are deeping in response to the collapse of neoliberal globalization, and Europeans are increasingly looking toward the East for solutions. In the wake of the economic fallout resulting from the coronavirus outbreak, Atlanticist ideologues have responded by saying ...

Due to its rapid and comprehensive measures against the virus, China has taken the attention of the world and the attention of the Turkish people in particular. How did the Chinese government, who eventually defeated the virus, achieve this? Tunc Akkoc (of the Aydınlık newspaper) asked Cui Wei, the Consul General of China in Istanbul. Consul General Cui has said ...

According to American media, COVID-19 originated from China and “was quickly spread around the world by air travelers who ran high fevers.” In the United States, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic.” “Crimson Contagion” According to some simulations run on the rapidity of the spread, 110 million Americans will ...

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has now spread to all European countries – on Tuesday Montenegro confirmed its first cases. The Montenegrin government announced that two women who were traveling abroad were infected with the virus. The latest data The World Health Organization has declared Europe the new epicenter of the outbreak which began in Wuhan China last December. As of March ...

China blames the US for creating the coronavirus Chinese authorities recently declared that the creator of the new worldwide epidemic is likely the US. Chinese officials stated that the disease could have been brought to Wuhan in October 2019 by American soldiers while the 7th Military World Games took place in Wuhan. Chinese official pushes the conspiracy theory that the ...

Like the rest of the world, the main topic of the week in Turkey was the Coronavirus. TV channels showed virus-related broadcasts all day and night, while people across social media shared virus related content non-stop. On March 5, Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca announced the first Coronavirus case in Turkey during a press conference. The number of cases has ...

An increasing number of countries are imposing a state of emergency and announcing quarantine measures in connection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Simultaneously with the Coronavirus epidemic, there are serious changes in the world economy occuring which threaten to bring down the global market. After the coronavirus pandemic, the world will no longer be the same. But what will it ...

Serdar Yurtçiçek / Turkish student in Hangzhou China Within 10 days, the virus will have been nearly eradicated in China outside the Hubei province. A total of 80,904 people have been diagnosed so far with the coronavirus, which emerged in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan, the capital of the Hubei Province in China. With the early precautions of ...

Idlib The Syrian army command has announced the closure of airspace over Idlib province, reports the Syrian state agency SANA. Meanwhile, the Turkish government continues to pursue a policy of “balance” between Washington and Moscow in Syria which it is presenting as “independent foreign policy.” However, this policy of balance has all but collapsed in Idlib, and Turkey has ...

In his latest act of sadistic geopolitical bloviation, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used the deadly coronavirus outbreak in Iran as an opportunity to criticize the country’s healthcare system and make crude accusations against its leadership. These comments were made in willing ignorance of the central role the US itself played in devastating Iran’s healthcare infrastructure with targeted sanctions. ...