International Youth Statement for the New World after COVID-19

The World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union (WAYU) is an international youth platform established by 23 youth organizations from 12 countries in Istanbul on 29th October 2014. It aims to unite all the youth of the world under the same roof of anti-imperialism regardless of any differences. The below statement is the joint youth declaration on the new world after COVID-19 pandemic, representing the will of not only WAYU members but also organizations such as Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League from DPR Korea – in total, 25 youth organizations from 17 countries.

International Youth Statement for the New World after COVID-19

As a species, we currently face an unprecedented global health crisis, a natural disaster that is harmful to all regardless of origin or creed. This pandemic forces us to act in solidarity across vast distances and to actualize common solutions for the sake of the well-being of all humanity. From the outset of coronavirus to the present, we have already accumulated an incredible wealth of experiences. However, it is nonetheless clear now that the neoliberal system and the imperialist cruelty of the US and Atlantic governments is preventing nations around the globe from benefiting from these experiences and acting with solidarity; at the cost of human lives. We, as a collective of youth organizations with a common belief that the urgent problems of humanity can only be solved by common action to transcend this inhumane imperialist order, call for a mobilization for the implementation of the following perspectives.

1. Human life is an unequivocal and absolute priority. The most fundamental human right and freedom is to experience life. Therefore, we condemn the neoliberal health system that makes human life a matter of profit and mutilates the public capacities of health services. It is to all humanity’s shame to see Western countries where young people are dying without medical treatment due to their lack of money and elderly people being abandoned to die in nursing homes due to the system’s incapacity to care for them. An equality-based public health system must be revived to weather the current crisis by mobilizing all means available. All people should be provided free access to health service and protective materials. When found, the Covid-19 vaccine must be free for all people.

2. This is a war against a disease, and hence requires an all-out struggle. At the forefront, there is a medical army fighting altruistically and tirelessly. In the rear, citizens are following the measures such as staying home unless necessary and showing solidarity with each other. On the production site, workers sustain the production cycle to meet the necessities of all. States should equip and orchestrate an army of citizens in order to win this war. Free access to protective materials should be provided for citizens and basic requirements should be put in place to protect them from the chain of infection. Production and employment, the long-range life unit of the society, should be secured; and there should be measures taken for job security and against production cuts. Disciplined and well-equipped citizens in coordination with the state is key to getting through these hard times with the least casualties possible.

3. To help those most affected by these hard times is humanity’s test. The European Union has told Italy and Eastern Europe countries the same thing that the US federal government has told its citizens and states: you are alone, every state for itself. Meanwhile, the US has continued and even tightened its inhumane sanctions against Cuba, Iran, DPR Korea, Syria and Venezuela in the midst of pandemic conditions.On the other side of the world, Russia has sent aid to the US, a country that has long sanctioned it, and China shares its valuable experience and lends a helping hand to Washington, despite Washington’s continued baseless accusations. China has also sent aid to the entire world by sending them experienced health specialists and vital equipment. Turkey has also answered all calls for help within its capacity.No country should adhere to US sanctions. International aid should cover all countries in need without discrimination. Experiences should be openly shared with those who might benefit. Countries that have not shown solidarity with those in need should be denounced and challenged at the international level.

Humanity will survive this pandemic. From the principles and strategies that facilitate this victory, a new world and civilization is arising. A multipolar world in which hegemony is condemned. A civilization based on the values of public good, solidarity and mutual aid. The youth are  prepared to seize the future, and anti-imperialist youth will be the pioneers of the global Spring.We hereby announce that we will do whatever history burdens us with to transcend neoliberal isolation and imperialist oppression and make these principles the guiding values of humanity beginning with the immediate task of defeating the Covid-19 pandemic. We call forth to the youth of the world to say “another world is possible”, and to struggle shoulder to shoulder with us.

We are hopeful and determined.

We are the youth of Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.

We are the youth who devote their lives to the common future of their countries and humanity.

We are organized and united humanity.

Covid-19 will be defeated!

The imperialist system will be defeated!

Humanity will be victorious!

Signatory Organizations

Argentina, Patria Para Todos

Bangladesh, Youth Union of Bangladesh

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League

Egypt, Egyptian Progressive Youth Union

India, Revolutionary Youth Association (RYA)

Iran, Justice for Peace

Iraq, Iraqi Youth Union

Iraq, Iraqi Youth Council

Italy, Independent School Union (SISA)

Jordan, Jordan Students Union

Lebanon, Arabic National Youth

Lebanon, Youth Union of Lebanon

Mexico, Partido del Trabajo

Nepal, Youth Federation Nepal

Pakistan, Pakistan Workers and Peasants Party

Palestine, Palestine Popular Front

Palestine, Palestine Youth Organization

Palestine, Progressive Student Labor Front of Palestine (PSLF)

Palestine, Return to Palestine Movement

Russia, Eurasia Youth Movement

Russia, Rodina Party Youth (TIGR)

Switzerland, Swiss Communist Youth

Turkey, Youth Union of Turkey (TGB)

Turkey, Vatan Party Vanguard Youth

Venezuela, Bolivarian Youth Union